I can post something to make you smile... we won Chaplin gets to keep the match ball We actually got awarded a penalty at home. cheered me up no end. I’m having a beer
Better, I’ll miss the next few as the mrs has just had a knee replacement so I’m a bit busy for the next few weeks. Hopefully this is the start of Struber weaving his magic. Last I looked Hearts were losing
I reckon they can win next Saturday. hope the Mrs is better soon, was it cartilage or more serious? If the former, get her doing the exercises as soon as possible and as often as you can make her.
Thank you Donny, it was the cartilage, she's being really fastidious with the exercises - she knows that however painful they're critical to a successful recovery. Sounds like I missed out on a cracker today.
You did indeed. I had my left cartilage sorted a couple of years ago, a bit sore but honestly not as bad as the worst of the pain when it was knackered. Hope she's well enough to enjoy Christmas. And for a smile - The auto-correct on my phone hasn't yet worked out how often I swear and how rarely I talk about ducks.
The country spoke. The majority party was the Tories. We can sit and argue why that was, but it won't mean much. Except for argument's sake. I was a huge Labour and Corbyn voter. We lost. I did not vote in this government, nothing they implement in the next five years is on me. I hope for the many, that they're a good government. I specifically hope those who voted for them have no regrets. Solidarity to all.
Only 2% of EU laws have been imposed on the UK. Two per cent. We abstained on 3% and voted FOR the other 95%
No point it’s never been about facts. And also as someone pointed out is something I read telling people who have been lied to they fell for the lies is a particularly bad way to win them over.
Politicians, knowt but lies cum art of all their marths, the people voted, we've got it for 5 yrs, accept it or get in a taxi and go and join all ya mates mekkin a mockery of democracy on the streets of London, GROW THE FOOOOK UP THE LOT OF YA X