Could I just say - that although Tyketacticals dad is on a trolly - he has chosen this particular time to attack the funding of the NHS and the prime minister. So my comments were aimed at that attack. But other than that - if my father was on a NHS trolly - the last thing I’d be thinking about would be getting on the BBS to complain about anything.
I take it you haven't spent any considerable time waiting with someone in A&E, then? It's not like watching bloody Casualty with wall to wall action. Keep digging, nudger. Your first statement was insensitive at best. Your second is just as bad.
You're better off posting once and having people think you are stupid rather than posting twice and confirming their thoughts.
All the best to your Dad. I think the Queen's speech tomorrow will include a £34bn NHS guaranteed spending pledge. Might knock 10 minutes off the waiting time!
I hope he isn't. My dad was waiting 8 hours on the floor of his bathroom waiting for an ambulance in the middle of the night 5 months back. He was readmitted 3 weeks ago, the day after a cancer operation & me & my mum were sat with him in a corridor for 8 hours at that time. I'm not criticising the great staff in A&E, they did their best. He got very good care when he was finally on a ward, but there just were not the resources there to deal with all the needy cases. Your inability to show any kind of compassion is totally mind bending. I really wonder how you sleep at night, writing such spiteful drivel.
Hope he’s alreyt feller and YN is a BE of the highest order yet again provocative stain of a masterbation
You really are a class 1 c u n t. And you’re completely wrong (no surprise there) anyway. With hours and hours of empty time to fill and in need of something different to read or do, to search for a little normality or comfort at a difficult time, I think one of the first places I’d come to would be this bbs. It’s mostly contributed to by different people with fair and balanced views who would offer kind words and support. Thankfully you are an exception and an aberration.
I have to agree. My first post was totally about ignoring the crap from Nudger, but talking about my own Dad, who is on his way out due to cancer. Idiots have no place on threads like this. I send love & positive vibes to the OP.
Shurrup you fc+king pr1ck. What on earth is going through your head.I've stood up for you before but ffs you fc+king arsehole. Don't talk to me again you pr1ck.
Best wishes to TM and JP's dads and families. Thank goodness I haven't seen nudges posts because I blocked him ages ago, best thing I've done on this board, I suggest If people aren't happy with him to do the same, it really does make the BBS a much pleasenter place to visit.
He accused me of bullying him when I took the Mickey about his infatuation with Paul Heckingbottom and tandems. I haven't replied to him since.