Oh where to start with this!!? (Rubs hands with glee). You followed his London mayoral campaign closely then?
You will be pleased we are leaving the EU then[/QUOTE] The EU parliament is elected. How does the misinformation they they are unelected continue to spread?
The EU parliament is elected. How does the misinformation they they are unelected continue to spread?[/QUOTE] This confirms what I thought, that people do not understand how the EU operates. It is the only parliament in the world that doesn't legislate. Instead decisions are made by unelected beauracrats.
Absolutely genius. apparently Labour voters from Barnsley are so stupid they can’t tell the difference between a racist and a rich person. It’s easy this Nudge... tommy Robinson is a racist Bernie Ecclestone is wealthy Zac Goldsmith is both racist and wealthy I’m neither You’re poor and have some questionable views on racism. you ok with that? and how are you planning to pay my £1000 post election bonus (Boris wasn’t listed on your ballot paper)
EU Legislation is approved by both the elected European Parliament and the Council (the elected governments of the member countries).
This confirms what I thought, that people do not understand how the EU operates. It is the only parliament in the world that doesn't legislate. Instead decisions are made by unelected beauracrats.[/QUOTE] Can you imagine idiots like Farage being able to legislate? the bits of crayon all over the place would be a nightmare to clean. Never mind the nonsense he'd write. If he even bothered to try (see his attendance re the Fisheries Commission - what, 2% attendance rate?) And by unelected bureaucrats, you mean the European Commission. Doesn't each state provide their own member. And it's funny how they're called Civil Servants in the UK and no one bats an eyelid that they are unelected
Can you imagine idiots like Farage being able to legislate? the bits of crayon all over the place would be a nightmare to clean. Never mind the nonsense he'd write. If he even bothered to try (see his attendance re the Fisheries Commission - what, 2% attendance rate?) And by unelected bureaucrats, you mean the European Commission. Doesn't each state provide their own member. And it's funny how they're called Civil Servants in the UK and no one bats an eyelid that they are unelected[/QUOTE] Our civil servants don't propose and implement legislation and they are impartial. It is done by our Parliament and elected mps. The EU Commission are appointed officials and act as the Executive. It isn't done like that anywhere else as far as I know and for good reason. I thought parliamentary democracy was important which is why I mentioned it but I will shut up.
It seems that we have a warped view of democracy in this country! The Will of the People has been spouted for nearly 4 years - well, the “will of the people” voted Goldsmith out of parliament so, Johnson, that great protector of democracy, just isn’t having it! How dare the oiks vote his mate out - not having it! Democracy demands that Goldsmith is made a Lord & an environment minister! You couldn’t make this crap up! But then fools try to justify it! My advice to them is: 1 sit in a dark room 2 think about it 3 give your head a wobble
Wow! Quelle surprise!!!! Nudger has gone AWOL after his ludicrously ill-informed comments about the proven racist Zac Goldsmith earlier. Who knew???!?
You mean start doffing our caps again like we used to do before the war , Yeah we should know our place and be grateful for it , Ffs sake we going backwards and brown noses are lapping it up .
My mind is blown that some on here are happy for a peerage to be given to a person who has made racist slurs in his attempt to become London mayor, these things are on record. They now give him another chance, despite being voted out twice, due to our archaic legal system. How the **** is that democracy, or fairness? This rich fecker has opposed a second runway at Gatwick & travelled round the world due to daddy's money. Scumbag, pal of scumbag Boris, lying Tory ********.
When you say "some on here" I think it is just one, thankfully. And he's not even trying to wind anyone up on this one either.
Maybe. My point still stands though. There are far more than said person that say "we are lifelong labour supporters, but we voted in a Tory government". Good luck to them. "Getting Brexit Done", is all they want.
Our Civil Servants have traditionally been impartial. You'll be glad to know that the Conservative party proposes to replace them with non-impartial advisors and are also limiting appointments to "True-Believers" in Brexit rather than the most qualified for the post.
In fairness to Nudger, he probably can't be @rsed with the keyboard socialist bully-boy mob that seems to dominate most political threads on the BBS these days, and who could blame him? Like many others I used to be a regular visitor but the overtly leftist garbage I see spewed on here every time I visit always reminds me why no longer bothering was such a sound decision. As much as I agree that elevating Zac Goldsmith to the HOL is ridiculous (and indicative of a far bigger issue that we need to address re cronyism and whether the HOL still has a role in this day and age), despite the standard bile spewed in Nudger's direction I note nobody has yet provided any actual evidence of Goldsmith's racism, though I would welcome any you are able to provide.
No, we know you enjoy being spoon-fed your information as a rule, but this time do your own work. There's this thing called Google.....