Who do people actually prefer ? As much as I loved Ollie McBurnie, it was a shame we couldn't afford to keep him and maybe if we signed him on time things could have turned out a lot differently? But then again I'm glad we got Cauley Woodrow in as I watched him for years and believe it or not I used to sign him and Alex Mowatt on all the FIFA games even before they were both at the club. Strange I know! I'm choosing Cauley Woodrow.
Preferred Ollie , think we would have stayed up had we got him from August like we should have. But both good strikers
Prefer Woodrow. Enjoyed watching NcBurnie play but he was never really a Barnsley player. I know contracts are worth next to nowt, but at least the player has committed something to us.
McBurnie for me. He was terrifying. He just tore apart opposition teams, and was genuinely unplayable on his day. I say that as a huge Woodrow fan- he’s a top class bloke and gives his all game in game out. Ultimately, there’s a reason why McBurnie’s playing (and scoring) in the prem this season though.
As a striker I would pick Mcburnie. As someone driving a vehicle with me as a passenger I would pick Woodrow.
Mcburnie for me only half a season with us but player of the year and some important goals shame there was a **** up with his registration in august who knows what could have been achieved that season
Agree. McBurnie was the best striker in the Championship. Hence huge cost to Sheffield United. Woodrow has a long way to go. But they are different types of players. McBurnie being more of a fox in the box type. They would have definitely complimented each other. It also brings up the subject of the club trying out young loan players - a policy that I believe the club should return to.
If I could pick just one of them it would be McBurnie. I like Woodrow a lot but Ollie is a better striker in my opinion.
Without a doubt, I'd go for McBurnie as things stand and this is from someone who thinks Cauley Woodrow is one of the best natural finishers we have had in the past 15 years maybe? McBurnie was an absolute monster though. Skilful, powerful, creative and clinical, he'd contribute both goals and assists aplenty. Would love to see them both playing up top together though. Play McB as the classic No.9 battering ram, leading the line and bringing others into play and Woodrow slightly deeper feeding off McB's knockdowns and hold up play to tuck them away with his finishing ability as well as trying acting as a link between attack and midfield. Wouldn't be a pad pairing I suppose.
Woodrow. He's ours and as much as I loved watching McBurnie (probably the best loanee I've seen play for Barnsley), he was always Swansea's player.