I reckon Thiam, Green, Cavaré and Pinillos to go. All their contracts run out in Summer ~ not getting a game so maybe recoup a bit of cash. Go out and get a centre half a full back and a holding midfielder .
I think Green could be a decent player but like ya said, he’s not getting a game. Probably agree with others too. Unless Halme is put back in CB I think we need 2.
Mowatt, Woodrow, Chaplin, Brown. That'll sort out any financial shortfalls for the next season, should we be relegated.
Think Green has been training and playing as a right back with the u23s. Makes sense. Quick and can tackle but no end product
Im sure Woodrow will go for a decent fee with the money reinvesting for a striker and attacking midfielder. Thiam Cavare Pinnilos, Mcgeheen, Green will go to be replaed by a right back and centre half. 6 out 4 in with another 4 going put on loan.
If we let Woodrow go in January, we are insane, unless it is for 8-10 million. That is his value, 3-4 million with a sell on is my fear. If we lose him, we are in deep ****,
Think we should keep mcgeehan Wilkes Cavare Even though they haven’t been playing they have still been celebrating wins on insta messaging players etc. They have un finished business Deffo loan green Sibbick Styles out. maybe cash in on thiam and give pinilios another chance as he will be a good cover.
Think Thiam, Green and Cavare will probably head out. Maybe Styles only out on loan? Pinillos possibly, though it sounds like it might be his eye injury rather than ability that's kept him out of the team.