Only partly true and you yourself are missing details out from what I can see. It's true if it falls within any of the following: the Common Commercial policy the Common Agricultural policy Fisheries policy Transport policy Competition rules Rules governing the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital Additionally it only acts in those areas once EU Member states agree to a treaty that falls under one of those areas. More here
Funny thing the Tories are setting up an enquiry into racism, including islamophobia. This sends out a great message they are taking it seriously.
I`m afraid this win at all cost electioneering we have seen in recent years is totally despicable and to add it the MP`s expenses scandal Just shows us who the real cheats and enemy within our country really are. Yet everybody seems to feed on this s h i t as we have seen on here for quite some time.
Snobbery is rife in Barnsley, everyone knows it... The first thing people say when I tell them I'm from Barnsley, 'snob'. It's an automatic retort
Politicking, pure and simple. To suggest the above nonsense is in any way evidence of Zac Goldsmith being a racist is frankly absurd, whatever a few snivelling Tory wets and a few of their victimhood-obsessed Muslim colleagues might have suggested at the time. You lot really need to stop swallowing the left-wing media's laughable lines of attack so eagerly, which I know won't be easy given your confirmation bias. If this is all you've got, you're in more trouble than I thought. Oh and by the way, Islam isn't a race, it's a religion/ideology, so even the most vile criticism of its adherents cannot by definition be racist. Oh and who was the PM partying with the day after the election...
Yer right of course. But I wouldn’t even bother to engage with the above. No matter what you say to snowflakes like them - they will always feel offended.
You quoted this as an apparent after thought, which was odd in itself, but I'll tackle it first. You're right, it's not by definition racist. However the fact remains that it's bigoted, is discriminatory, they are being portrayed as 'the other', and the fact it's not out and out racism (by definition) means racist little toerags use it as a cloak to hide behind - it's a free pass. Regardless, the end result is very similar - a group of people are being tarred with the same brush by people who are (lets face it) racist. So you're saying that you claim to know that he isn't racist (Im not sure how), but he's simply using specific language about a particular Muslim to create an impression he's got terrorist affiliations, just to win votes? And because of that, it doesn't count. Is that a bit like racists at football matches shouting abuse just to 'wind black players up'? I'd worry about you defending this tripe, you racist, right wing bigot. Don't like being slurred like that? Don't worry - im just politicking.
Sure as night follows day, one of the usual suspects pops up to intimate I too am a racist, essentially for having the temerity to question whether we can reasonably ascertain Goldsmith's views on different racial groups from a particular attack line in a previous mayoral election campaign. And of course you're politicking, you'd have to be unhinged to genuinely believe this identity politics nonsense, although considering how unpalatable it appears to be to a significant majority of voters, I'd encourage you to keep it up. Probably best not to chuck the term 'bigot' around too much either, considering how intolerant you lot appear to be towards those that don't share your views.
That's quite carefully written - but following your 'Islam isn't a race' b0ll0x it really means **** all.
No. You didn't question anything. You stated a position of fact ('Goldsmith isn't racist' ) based on your opinion and your opinion only. Meanwhile you ignored his clear intimations about Sadiq Khan being a 'terrorist sympathiser', shrugging them off as irrelevant 'politicking'. There's plenty to criticise about him without withdrawing into clichéd 'Muslim = Terrorist' nonsense,don't you think? When played at your own game you then become defensive and play the victim card (classic trope of the right) despite the fact I made it quite clear I was using your own thought process to show how flawed your own thinking is.