What was name of pub on corner opposite bus station, the corner nearest market? Used to call in on matchday, is it still there?
Only remember it as the South Yorkshireman. But then I never go into the town centre as I live away, and park up Tune St and walk straight to the ground and back.
In my Oakwell heyday it was the South Yorkshireman. The stickiest carpets I've ever experienced, and I've been to Whitley Bay more times than I care to remember......
Thar dunt wanna cum in ere its a local pub for local people, gerar lass a pint an all tell thi abart pits, an mi oiled mate kipper jackson, reight gud on kareoiki r kipper tha noose.
Built around 1970...ish, when the Council ruined.......sorry ....improved the town centre, originally owned by Bass Charrington and known as the South Yorkshireman.
Opened in 1974 and known as the South Yorkshireman because (very unusually) Barnsley was chosen over Sheffield as the HQ for the newly formed South Yorkshire Metropolitan County Council, and those new buildings were all around the pub. SYMCC was abolished by Mrs T in the mid Eighties as part of her assault on South Yorkshire. Steel, Coal and then public services. Let’s all raise a glass to her memory.