For the last few nights, birds have been singing from about 1-30 in the morning (Monk Bretton area). Now I'm not an expert or even interested in Ornithology, but am dam sure birds don't/shouldn't sing the dawn chorus in the middle of the night. The only thing I can put this down to is the brightness of these new LED street lights. The birds think its time to get up... Have they been turned up? and if so why..? I've read where these lights can be turned up or dimmed... It does seem awfully bright these nights. So before the 'Church of Greta Thumberg' congregation, start blaming farting cows and demand we all go vegan immediately, because our own local eco system is f@cked... and bird are falling out of the sky with exhaustion cos they're now double shifting..... Too whoever it may concern at Barnsley Council...… Turn the f@cking lights down..
It's Robin's usually and they have always done it....staking their claim for territory ready for the breeding season by singing longest and loudest which shows what a tough specimen they are. They do it more when it is milder as they have energy to burn.
'birds have been singing from about 1-30 in the morning (Monk Bretton area)'. I didn't realize the Norman stayed open so late!
Far from me to question your obvious superior knowledge on this subject... but two things i'd like to say is.. We woke up with a decent frost this morning, so it weren't that mild but it has been over crimbo, so maybe fare do's on that.. But the other thing is our small bird population has been almost obliterated around us, even up as far as Blackbird level.. by Crows and gangs of Magpies. who have ether killed em off of they've fled for their own survival.. But that's maybe a discussion for another day..
It's mild during the day when they are feeding....literally fuelling up, so have spare energy at night and will stay warm. There less predators at night so don't have to look out for them so they can concentrate on their singing
Just add though, they do get disturbed/woken by even dim light which will spur them into singing. On the other hand, the light helps robins to feed on nighttime insects.
Street lights are controlled by a PECU re- Photo Electronic Control Unit. It is fitted to the switch gear at the top of the lantern. There is a switch inside the unit that turns the cell on/off according to the LUX ( light levels) re- Dawn or Dusk. The actual lamp inside the lantern can be controlled re- dimmed using a computer either individually or in banks. Dimming trials have been undertaken in most parts of the country in an attempt to save money. Working in conjunction with the Police, where there has been proven increases in theft, assault, motor collisions and crime in general, such schemes have been abandoned. The main difference between the type of lamps used is that the SOX lamp has Sodium in it ( re- gives a murky yellow light), whilst the newer SON/LED lamps emit a bright white light. I haven't seen anything to say that birds/ wildlife are affected by the new generation lamps but I would be surprised if that were the case to be honest.
I noticed it down in pompey at 5 in the morning after coming off nights a week ago, never heard them before in mid winter only spring, oh and we haven't LED lighting, bloody posh up your way mate ha ha