car parked outside house since before Christmas - no sign of owner - can I find out name of owner form reg no ?
give the reg number to the police, tell you are concerned that it may be stolen or abandoned, they will check it out.
Do a Dvla check to see if it’s taxed and mot,d the go on ask mid to see if it’s insured If it’s not taxed there is a tab on the dvla site to report it
but it will not give owner details.... I think only the police have access to that, and perhaps customs and excise.
I often have cars parked outside for several days, weeks or even months. I check with DVLA to check tax and mot, and ask mid re insurance - as JC above says. If it isn't taxed, or motd, or insured I have to report it to our local authority as an abandoned vehicle. They will put a notice on the car saying it will be collected in so many days and crushed. The police don't want to know.
Top tip. If it has no tax etc then call the police and tell them that the car was parked there then moved, then parked back there. That way they deal with it as an active vehicle and the police will tow it and the driver/owner is given a fine and possible points rather than waiting for it to be dealt with as abandoned by the council. It's also worth noting that a car parked up over Christmas could simply mean someone is visiting friends for the holidays or that they have quite literally gone on holiday
I wouldn’t do the first one as it’s a lie and could cause problems if they are indeed investigating it as stolen. In terms of the second, my dad used to park his car outside a friend’s house (with their permission) whilst we went away on hol for a few weeks so they could watch over it I presume. Seems a bit weird to me but that’s what he always did.
Just to be clear here, are you suggesting that people lie to the police in order to make it a police matter rather than just waiting for the council to deal with it? Is it really a big enough deal to justify such actions? Edit: And what @JamDrop said while I was typing, which is a much better point than mine.
Didn't think about the possibility it could be stolen and making a claim like that would alter the timeline of events and throw police off. Nobody in my family has ever done what you say but I know someone who has a drive yet drives to his friends house who doesn't have one, leaves the car there and goes on holiday which makes even less sense to me.
Not once u thought about it no but I wouldn't be telling them that I THINK it's abandoned either. I'd just say "someone has parked outside my house without tax etc" which is the truth.
you can check if its taxed, insured and MOT'd here no its not, just been on autotrader took a random Reg plate and did the check... it told me everything about its status, but not about owners
Just to clarify that I would not report a car as abandoned. If I report a car, it is because it has one of no tax, no mot or no insurance and has been parked outside my property for several days. It is the local authority who then put an "Abandoned Car" sticker on it. I live in a village very close to a railway station serving Kings Cross. We often get small, old cars "dumped" outside for weeks. They are usually untaxed, un-motd and uninsured. My guess is they've been stolen and dumped, then the culprit has caught the train to wherever. Either that or it has been dumped by one of our local garages.
There’s some right arsholes about. We get people parking outside our house when visiting 5 houses down, even when there’s space on their drives or outside their houses. the wife goes mad lol. Goes out and as a go if she catches them
Abandoned vehicles are definitely a Local Authority matter not police. Had one removed recently from outside my brothers house. You can report it online and LA will take it from there.