As long as theres nothing bad to talk about I'll be happy. I still.wouldnt be entirely surprised if we lost Cauley or whoever the Preston scout may be interested in.
I hope so. After initial scepticism this team is starting to gel. Yes I wouldn't mind improvement in certain areas but am more concerned about the outgoings. Me for one would be happy to stick if given the choice.
You cant let these last few performances cloud your judgement on the overall strength and depth of the squad, its still in desperate need of reinforcements. But yes outgoings are a concern, pure and simply because we dont know what calibre of player will be coming in to replace them. It wouldnt be an issue if we knew that they were going to be replaced by a better player.
We know exactly the Calibre of plater that would replace them ! League 1-2 none proved up and coming youngsters. If we sold Woodrow for 5 mil we wouldn’t replace him with a better player because that would cost 10 mil