Obviously why he was seen at Dakota the other day so he could agree terms. Obviously I jest as that account chats rubbish.
We can agree on that. I expect a thread saying KingBenny92 was right if we see Woodrow again. If you're right and he's gone then I will happily bow down to you
Look, we are owned by investors, not altuistic Barnsley fans. Obviously the hedge fund needs to payout its investors. Get used to it, I'm afraid.
Yep. Stick him upfront where he’s best or don’t put him in the team, there’s no point trying to fit square pegs around circular holes etc Ideally play him though lads, he’s one of the best finishers inside the box I’ve seen in a long time.
It’s a big coincidence how we start January and then our best player don’t start. It’s easy to say in conference saying he’s Ill or injured. But they will keep us guessing till it actually happens.
you know the score. Saying that I saw a car outside metronome and on number plate the was 9seb. God knows
I don’t wish to add fuel to the fire but my office is next to Dakota and I walk past it everyday Leeds United do loads of business from this hotel - don’t ask me why, but they do! that said I know that he also lives in Leeds and Dakota is a great hotel / restaurant
Doesn't anybody in Leeds read Minority Report? Surely they won't be paying £6.5m for a donkey like Woodrow?!