Gone today with toothache ( kept me up on a night but took tramadol so pain was minimal Turns out the cavity on one of my teeth is infected so gave me antibiotics for next 7 days Options he gave me were Root canal Or Extraction What would you lot do?
I'd have it out. Heard from folk who went through very expensive and painful root canal treatment it was all a waste of time and money. Dentist will always recommend root canal treatment as its a money spinner for him. But at the end of the day it is your call.
Personally I'd keep my own teeth as long as I could before having them out. So I'd go for the root canal excavation and see how it goes. I've had it several times in my life and it's worked every time.
Recently face with a similar choice myself and I went with extraction. It was a lower molar and out of sight, was about 2 weeks before Christmas. Totally pain free now and the missing tooth has no effect on eating now. I think if you end up have to have multiple teeth out then it can become a issue. There is of course no wrong answer, dentist's will reccomend the root canal as it will keep your natural tooth in place and no substitute is better than that. I just decided it was easier to have it pulled, took the it can't hurt me if its not there approach.
Hang on to what you have if you possibly can. Extraction is then still an option for you, but once gone, your natural teeth are aren’t
I guess it depends on where the tooth is, really. If it is somewhere prominent I would try to keep it. I had the same problem with one of my bottom molars near the back- chose to get rid as you can't see it. Edit- had a bit more of a think re this. Whilst losing mine has caused no issues, i agree with everyone saying try to keep it. My dentist didn't think mine was salvageable to be fair.
My dental student daughter says hang onto your own teeth for as long as possible. You'll have the same number of injections either way. Plus there's the risk of dry socket with an extraction that would be painful too.
Root canal every time(as long as you trust your dentist).I've had 2 done and they've been fine. I cant see the point in extracting a perfectly good tooth.
Without full details it’s hard to be certain but I’d go for keeping the tooth. Had root canal work twice and both times it’s been fine and I still have the teeth. One of which was done almost 40 years ago.
personally I'd go with the dentists advice, they are the ones assessing your particular problem and must have a preference. I've had a couple of teeth out at the back (dentist said root canal was too complicated because of shape) , nobody can see and can't say I have missed them.
Started my working life in the dental trade and my advice would be to have the root canal done...keep your own teeth for as long as possible.
Root canal. I was offered the same choice a couple of years ago and took the wrong option. I really regret having the extraction now. As others have said, keep your teeth as long as possible.