Agnes Terrace is a row of houses running the 'wrong' way on day street. Street opposite nursery street
Well there was this. But given its location probably not at this point. What's a bit odd is it suffered a pretty catastrophic event at 8000 feet that led it to drop from the sky. Just a straight engine failure is seemingly unlikely. All the more surprising as it's a new jet, excellent safety record and serviced in the last week. Probably just a coincidence the technical problem occurred when it did. Maybe...
As I said, I didn't know what people were suggesting. You're saying the suggestion is a commercial jet was taken out over Iranian air space by a US missile attack? Why would Iranian officials say it was a technical failure if so?
A snippet here from The Road to Wigan Pier about when Mosley spoke in Barnsley. Sounds familar After the preliminary booing the (mainly) working-class audience was easily bamboozled by M. speaking from as it were a Socialist angle, condemning the treachery of successive governments towards the workers. The blame for everything was put upon mysterious international gangs of Jews who are said to be financing, among other things, the British Labour Party and the Soviet. M.’s statement re. the international situation: “we fought Germany before in a British quarrel; we are not going to fight them now in a Jewish one” [2] was received with loud applause. Afterwards there were questions as usual, and it struck me how easy it is to bamboozle an un-educated audience if you have prepared beforehand a set of repartees with which to evade awkward questions
I don't know what happened, just showing that the US have shot down an Iranian passenger plane before so alternatives are possible. If it was a missile attack Im sure we'd have had some accusations about it by now. I believe the official Iranian comment about technical failure, for whatever reason, was withdrawn after being initially made. Latest reports Ive read say there was some sort of fire on the plane/engines and it was in the process of turning round before it crashed. However, no mayday signal was made, which may or may not be of note, depending where the fire was.
It’s strange how I’ve never seen the ‘worlds most dangerous terrorist’ Solameini mentioned before the last few weeks. It’s also strange how many of the media calling him this were praising him only a few years ago for his efforts in helping fight ISIS. There’s a lot of people involved in conflicts in the Middle East who dependant on your viewpoint or the agenda you’re trying to push can be described as either terrorists or some kind of freedom fighter or doing right by their country
It was a Boeing, and unfortunately those have been found to have had safety "features" recently - the 737-MAX autopilot twice flew into the ground, and another version loses the autopilot when you approach a runway at exactly 270 degrees.
Let’s not confuse the 737max (grounded for nearly a year now) with the 737 800 which is the most common plane on the planet.
And let's also not forget that the problem with a 737max is a very specific problem with quite a clear and obvious set of indicators when it's been involved in a flight (up down up down up down up down crash). 737 800 is a fantastic plane. And sadly it looks like suspicions were correct and it's been shot down. Certainly ties in with the image of a Russian made and Iran owned tor missile warhead found at the crash site.
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is saying that evidence suggests the Ukrainian airliner was brought down by an Iranian missile probably " by mistake". Iran plane crash: Evidence suggests missile downed jet - Trudeau
New video out showing what looks like a rocket hitting the plane. As others have said, 737 800 - probably one takes off every 30 seconds, this plane which is 3 years old sustaining a catastrophic failure which doesn't even allow the pilot to radio an emergency is so unlikely its billions to one.