His mum must have voted for him, Browny was a country mile in front in my view. Not saying Jordan had a bad game mind, but Browny put a million on his value with yet more assists
I probably agree Brown deserved it. But for Williams to put a performance in like that yesterday, especially after we signed a highly rated right back on loan the other day was phenomenal. Was happy for the lad yesterday. And hopefully he’s just cemented his place for saturday’s game at Bristol.
I'd have gone for Brown too but Williams had a good game too and that tackle in the first half was sublime.
IMO - Brown didn’t have a good game - he is still finding it difficult to beat an opponent. But he did latch on to two great passes from our defenders - Mads and Oduor - that enabled him to set up our two goals. Brown is not very tall - so I can’t understand why all the long balls were aimed at him. Williams had a decent game and is improving game on game. He his starting to show that his speed can be very effective. My MOTM was Halme - it goes to show that being exceptionally tall dosen't mean you have slow feet. I bet - like myself - he is a fantastic dancer.
Personally I would have gone for Brown and then Halme but I dont think Williams was an undeserving choice. Generally had a good game but his header to setup their goal was particularly poor ( though not as bad as Bambos attempt )
It was a good game for williams ...playing against his old club and a new right back at the club....plenty to prove and did well imho.
Pretty much sums up my thoughts too. That was one of Brown’s best performances for us, in my opinion. He looked stronger and more physical - he seemed to be holding off defenders very well. He put a few good balls into the box, that nobody got on to the end of, too. Not to mention he set up both goals.
I thought it was Brown too. I thought Anderson had a good game other than when he was defending in the Alan Hansen style.
It thought Hooper had a brilliant last 10 minutes dishing all them yellows out to the thugs from West Yorkshire bet his arms stiff this morning
Everyone’s talking about Mowatt and Woodrow catching attention. On current form I’d be more worried about brown - going from strength to strength- that was his 8th assist of the season I’m pretty sure Scouts are watching him
Williams only did the best that he could have done with his header clear It was Bambo’s mistake that caused the goal if Bambo would have made contact with the ball the danger would have been cleared
Great performance from Brown, put some cracking balls in and was a handful all game, we’d have given it to Brown.
I thought the Simon Hooper was just ...well weird. When i see we've got a premiership Ref i groan inwardly because so often in the past they have been over fussy, penalising the slightest thing and generally preening themselves to show us how honoured we should be to have them at our little Club. Hooper let a lot go - for or a long time - yesterday, and to be frank 'lost it' in the last 15 mins. Not impressive other than, unlike the situation with others Ref's, we got the better of his decisions.
Sorry but William's assist for Huddersfield goal was a poorly placed clearance.,along with Bambos air kick. They say three mistakes in a row and you conceed a goal. Great strike though.