Wanting to go home because somewhere is a shithole. Claiming someone has a massive penis. Hudderssssssss fielddddddddd.
Huddersfield claiming to be greatest team the world has ever seen when losing 1-0. Doesn't make sense haha
This makes me move uncomfortably about in my seat. Mvoto song made me want to phone the police ripper song makes me want to use the same ball hammer on those chanting it scab, scab, scab makes me want to climb up my own anus in embarrassment as it was a million years ago and is being sung by and at people who weren’t involved.
The Yorkshire ripper song makes me want to throw up. I also hate the one sung by Palace fans from the Sister Act musical - it's got to be the campest football song ever - not that there's anything wrong with camp, it just doesn't belong at a footy match.
During the 96/7 season when it looked like we were going to be promoted some Barnsley fans were singing "On Sky on a Monday night" as if that was the best thing about being in the Premier League. That still makes me cringe.
Ha ha. Hadn't heard that one. Funny. I hated the one 'We are Premier League'. Made us sound like small time bumpkins trying to assert our place with the '.elite'.Pathetic.