Chewed wife's fuel hose. AA job. Chewed my fuel hose yesterday. AA job. Any of you have solution for this, traps, smelly things, next door's cat ?
In my experience, cats are neither use nor ornament when it comes to mice you actually want dealing with. As for mice in the engine compartment, after warnings from our French neighbours of similar issues we've left a peppermint-oil soaked blanket under the hood of Mrs Burgundy Red's car while we're back in the UK. We've had some success with peppermint oil on draught excluders around the house in winter so it's got to be worth a shot. That's for a couple of months, though - I wouldn't want to be doing it every day. We've stuck a reminder to the steering wheel to remove it before starting the car, obvs.
Lift up the bonnet and smash them with a baseball bat, after 3 mins stop and listen for a noise, if you hear anything then repeat until you hear silence. If your car looks like the one on Father Ted where they tried to remove the dent, then you've overdone it.
Put something more tempting than fuel hose in the engine compartment, such as traps baited with chocolate. Reminder on steering wheel to remove traps and mice.
Put a sheet of plastic over the car put a flea bomb under the car. Make sure you read the instructions because anything under the plastic cover will be dead after use.