i seem to remember reading somewhere that a labour govt had hospitals built under pfi and it now costs the nhs 1/6 of its budget to service the debt, mind you i could be wrong
It could always be worse. You could be a Tory voter in Poole, who voted to close the local A&E so that the nearest one is in Bournemouth - the extra 8 miles could be life or death for a critical patient. See also Telford...
Lots of resources actually and the liaison team beased at BDGH has grown significantly over the last few years. So anyone attending AandE where there is any suggestion that they require any input from mental health services (inpatient admission, community support etc after assessment) they get it. This service runs 24/7. The real problem with underfunding is its impact on our mental health wards. We always run on minimum staffing and of course certain things happen on a daily basis which means the whole hospital is in crisis as a consequence. It doesn't help either that we have hordes of band 6,7 and 8s. The majority of these offer nothing towards the management of the wards. These people care only about themselves, they do not stand up and demand appropriate and safe staffing. They then take early retirement at 55 with a nice pay out and pension and then return after 2 weeks in a cushy made up job for 2 days a week. There is a real culture of fear. People who stand up and ask questions are pilloried and harassed. We even have our own dear chief exec praising staff for cutting down on costs re: staffing. All these staff are doing the governments dirty work for them and none of them are tories either. Proper set of selfish cnuts.
One of the main problems is that people genuinely don’t seem to know what A&E and ambulances are for. Someone at work was complaining that their kid broke their finger and 999 told them an ambulance would be over 4 hours so they ‘ended up taking him themselves in the car’. Why phone an ambulance if you can take him in a car? Why phone 999 for a broken finger? And the thing is, everyone listening was super sympathetic and moaning about how wrong it was. I ended up having to state the obvious and say that’s not what either of those services are for and then they became really thoughtful and agreed. They actually hadn’t realised that that was abuse of the service. It seems to be a wide held belief that if you get hurt the process is: you phone 999, get an ambulance, get fixed. I know a few people who, if asked, would never dream of wasting the NHS’ time and resources, really unselfish people, who would do so without meaning to.
Last figures I saw were as follows: 45,384 - The number of NHS Mental Health Nurses in the UK in 2010. 38,774 - The number of NHS Mental Health Nurses in the UK in 2016.
How many mental health nurses work in the private sector? There are more private mental health inpatient facilities than nhs. You only have so many nhs mental health in-patient beds. How many band 2,3 and 4 staff are there? Far more than registered nurses and they generally contribute as much and often more than qualified staff. The problem is that we are budgeted on the wards for minimum staffing: 5 on days and 3 on nights. However you may have a patient on a 2-1 and another on a 1-1. You might also have a patient in seclusion which also requires 1 staff. Patients may have appointments elsewhere or may have self harmed or become unwell so have to go to the general hospital. This could require one or 3 staff dependant on risk. So some days 8 staff would not be enough to keep patients and staff safe. So there should be extra money available to facilitate the needs of the ward. This is a governmental issue. But like I've also said the nhs itself pisses money up the wall internally. I've been battered twice since Christmas and there has not been enough staff to respond to this appropriately and safely. I'm in my 50s and this is increasingly taking it's toll.
Five years ago I had an operation to rectify an inguinal hernia. Everything fine. Two weeks after I received a letter to say a follow up appointment had been made to see the consultant GYNOCOLOGIST ! I rang the reception to say they'd made a mistake. Receptionist said why ? I said the clue is in my title 'Mr.' receptionist said what? I said I'm a man, do you know what a gynocologist does ? she said "No, I don't". That's the Gospel truth.
Just before Christmas my aunt in her early 70s slipped going out of the back door of her bungalow. My uncle was told by 999 that an ambulance wouldn’t get to her (in Swinton) for 4 hours. This is terrible. The 999 staff on the phone were very supportive and kept ringing my uncle back and telling him what to do - like bring blankets and hot water bottle outside. The ambulance staff when they arrived were brilliant. The A&E staff also brilliant. Operation to plate her thigh now done and she is on the mend. So NHS staff are fantastic, resources inadequate. Irony - my uncle went out a few days later and voted for the Brexit Party...after (rightly) bemoaning the NHS resources and highlighting (rightly) the wonderful NHS staff...
Yep . My brother works in one . Believe it or not it costs more to treat patients privately than it does via the NHS . In other words NHS patients get put on private MH wards due to lack of beds within the NHS . Those private hospitals then bill the NHS at a higher rate than what they would have otherwise paid .
Don't worry, it'll be f*cking great when we leave the EU and 50,000 extra English nurses materialise out of thin air and we pump £350m a week into the NHS.
goes to A and E with a abscess which isnt what A and E is for as painful as one is. Then complains had to wait 3 hours on a Saturday night/ sunday morning early hours when town would have been like a war zone a few hours earlier! A and E stands for accident and emergency my advise would have been take some painkillers wait until sunday morning and ring 111 for the emergency dentist.
They also ship patients out to other regions and get charged astronomical rates from that region. Did you also know number of MH patients drop dramatically during School holidays?