It's with Sky Austria hence the translator.......,15700256,15700259,15700262,15700265,15700271
Interesting bit about survival: "You have taken over Barnsley at the bottom of the table, you are still in third place in the relegation zone. “At the beginning it was the tenor that we can already plan for League One. We got to the point and managed to develop a real relationship. Now there is faith and hope. In February we have 7 games so there is no boozing. Of the 17 outstanding games, each is an endgame for us. We need our top level, we work on motivation, on the mentality and on my game idea. ”"
"At the beginning it was the tenor that we can already plan for league 1". This coupled with the players brought in suggests that the fat lady has sung.
It has. The German word used is "durchschnaufen" which means pant, wheeze, breath deeply. What I think he's trying to say is that there's no time for them to get their breath back.