If, or when, we lose on Saturday then they will congratulate themselves that the Plan has worked for them. They will be able to blame a coach for the failure, not themselves. They gave us the best ever transfers, the coaches let them down. They will not need to spend any more money on what now seems to be a lost cause, however as we know they will be able to cash in on the few valuable assets we have and start again as has happened in recent years. They will expect supporters to stump up for season tickets, it's what we do, we are mugs. However I can't see fans falling for it again. Once, or twice, bitten, ......
I'm seriously considering not renewing but it will be a difficult decision to make. In all honesty I'm not sure if I can go through with it so I'll probably end up handing my money over through gritted teeth. I won't blame anyone who doesn't renew, that is entirely their prerogative and it will be very easy to understand why they don't renew. It won't make them worse fans than those who do renew.
Nowt to do with falling for it. Me and my mates only get together on match days. Been doing it through thick and thin for donkeys years and will do it again next season. We've had far worse teams than this n all.
The results tonight change nothing, it was always Charlton and Stoke we were trying to chase down. Charlton is still a big game
I’m done with season tickets unless something changes dramatically I will just pick and choose games. Missed more than I’ve attended this season and my enthusiasm levels are at their lowest point ever.
I stopped getting a season ticket when the over 60 concession was taken away by Cryne. I have been picking my games ever since. This club has a way of squeezing over 60 years of support and enthusiasm for the game out of you. I never thought I would ever lose faith in the club not even in the dark days of the 4th Division. The game was more fun back then than it is today.
If we’re in league one I’ll probably go to them all. I’ll pick my games if in the championship. If the football league does away with both goals and penalty boxes and gives points based on possession and passing for the sake of it, we’ll be right up there.
That's it really. If your mates stop going or significant others for one reason or another, that's when the desire drops off.
Yup, I don’t think I could ever stop going completely. My mate is blind and relies on me for some games, plus I would miss people that sit around us at oakwell and my regular travelling companions. I don’t have boozing mates, but would never be alone at a game because I know so many people after all these years. Stopping going would be impossible all considered.