Sorry for the totally OT thread - but at the end of March myself and my girlfriend are due to collect our first puppy together. We initially wanted a male but none were born in the litter but after seeing the photos we couldn't turn down the chance to take one of the females on. We also have a 4 year old Springer which my partners family would like to breed at some point in the near future so they can have a puppy from him, so we need to make sure that our new puppy is spayed. Has anyone on here had puppies before? When is the best time to get them done from your experience? I have seen so many varying reports online saying different things. Of course once we get her we will consult our vet for their advice but wondered if anyone had any previous experiences? We are getting a GSP and will be taking her to gun dog training once she is old enough (we don't shoot, its just the training is excellent for them and the springer we have loves it).
What dog are you getting? We previously had a bitch, and we had her spayed after she'd had two seasons (which is what I think the vet recommended).
We are getting a GSP (German Shorthaired Pointer) My parents had two springer bitches that were rescues and they had to wait for them to come out of season before getting them done (they were both older dogs) and I remember the process of them being in season was a bit of a nightmare, so ideally I want to get the new pup done before she has any season. But I want what is best for the dog ideally so if that means leaving her to have a least one season then that is what i will need to do.
We brought our Lhasa Apso puppy home when he was nine weeks old. Regarding having the " snip" we recieved conflicting advice. The breeder told us to leave it for at least 12 months, whilst our Vet advised we should have it done sooner. According to the breed, I would seek advice from the Kennel Club. They will know,or at the very least will put you in touch with an expert who can give you the relevant information.
Depending on breed , Kennel Club seem to suggest 6 months, which aligns with what our Vet advised.
Hills ( who we use for our dogs food), recommend 4-6 months for spaying.
brill cheers, in an ideal world I want the new pup done before he first season to avoid issues as dealing with them during season can be hard work
I have both gsp and bracco Italianos if you intend breeding do the health tests 1st and then get ready for the stress and hard work
we dont intend on breeding the GSP and I want her done as soon as I can really as its the Springer my partner wants to use for breeding.
I wouldn't spay the gsp until after her second season or 18months at the soonest it ruins the growth and development