The most intelligent Brexiteer has no desire to live outside the EU, just thinks we should. How’s that work?
We had a veto on any law passed by the EU. We were, are and always have been sovereign. Is this really the argument people used in their heads to vote leave? That’s insanity.
But only 13% of our laws were taken from or even mentioned the EU, so you can't really say EU law trumped our laws because they patently didn't.
The problem with an imaginary enemy, is you win an imaginary war. wonder which EU law Trixie didn’t like. not that it matters because we decided to adopt it. Sovereign and all that.
And what if it’s an absolute success, and the union comes tumbling down costing the members? Will you still be crying Into your blue and yellow flag?
You're wasting your breath. This has been explained on here time and time again, but some people still don't understand it. Or are perhaps choosing not to understand it, because it doesn't suit their views. All this "Let's heal the divisions and move forward together" is a load of rubbish. Brexit parties, brexit coins, Big Ben dongs, and midnight fireworks... I doubt there would have been any of that if the referendum result had gone the other way. But aye, let's move on together - after they've finished rubbing people's noses in it. Apologies if I sound bitter. I'm really not. I voted remain. I lost. It's not the end of the world, but I'm done now. This past four years has taught me more about the ugly side of human nature than any of the previous fifty five (and I'm not limiting that to the Leavers either). From now on, its family, then myself, then BFC - and by extension of course, all you lovely folk at the BBS. Except for the *****, obviously.
its was interesting listening to tarzan hestletine on radio 2 this aft,through gritted teeth he had to accept the result and that we are finally leaving the eu,however he was at pain to point out that it was the tories who took us in to the common market and it was the tories who further entrenched us with Thatcher and Major signing more power to EU towers,yep, he was confident in that without the tories we would A, never joined in the first place and B,never got in as deep as we did,our membership in his eyes was a tory policy
Tis so. We can have 'control' or influence. One or t'other. But not both. [See the article I posted yesterday.]
Ffs some on here should wake up with the stereotypical name calling ***** ! Stop classing every lovely person who voted leave as thick, inbred,racist, facist imbeciles you set of deluded cockwombles
It was Tory Party policy as it was an exclusive club for trade at the time and was a great way for Gentleman Farmers to make a killing .’ However as time moved in and Democracy got hold it was balanced between Liberal and Socialist ideals and that’s when the Tory’s were split and spit out the Dummy .
Not seen many if any posts saying that tbh but rest assured all those that are will most certainly have voted Brexit .
I voted to leave actually. When we first applied to join the Common Market, I recall that President De Gaulle blocked our entry. When you negotiate you need to ensure you have a fall back option. I just wondered with all the flag waving, the anti EU speeches, leaving the EU Parliament to the sound of the bagpipes etc, if God forbid it goes horribly wrong, what the reaction of the EU would be to a request to go back in the future, in the light of the rhetoric and antics of Farage, Widdecombe et al.
That's not correct....any law passed by the EU Parliament passes directly into UK law...even if every UK MEP voted against it.
Having a "discussion" on twitter at the mo with some random Brexiter. He is saying that the "Union Jack" represents a country rather than the EU flag representing a union.. I've pointed out that it represents a union of 4 countries, hence the name.....he's not having it
But the law has to be agreed by the U.K. in the first place otherwise it can’t be passed . No law can be passed without agreement from every member.