And Giddings saying we're still in talks with a UK based centre back..... Edit: didn't see the above comment
Can't imagine it being Prodl. He'll get an offer at the top end of the Championship, and we wouldn't need to rush to sign him tonight with him being a free agent.
Be nice if we were also in for a striker as we haven't replaced Moore. Big target man needed to give us another option up top.
Spent most of the last 2 seasons injured and possibly still injured now according to Watford fans on Twitter. They absolutely love him though and sounds like he has been a bit of a legend for them . Even playing stood on one leg then I think this guy would be a class above what we are used to but I can’t see it happening somehow.
Certainly do, when chaplin isnt scoring who else is there??..... Were not seeing much return from woodrow these days in the attacking midfield role