The ability of the CEO? We all know what we needed and even if they come up with a last minute signing they have failed to deliver. What a total fk up!
If you weaken the asset you have bought shares in by lowering their opportunity to improve by replacing them with better players then the shares in said asset aren't worth as much when you come to trade them in. You don't buy shares in Conways corner shop then buy shares in Tesco and encourage them to build a store right next to conways and expect the conways share price to go up.
It's accurate though. They trade in players. They bought cheap players to improve and sell for a profit. There's no improvement for Mads Andersen if he doesn't play and therefore no increased share price. There's no improvement if he does to be honest.
What did we really expect We all know what this board are and how they think, particularly about us If the past behaviour was a kick in the teeth then they have really put the boot in today Hope the existing players can perform a miracle but cannot see it Just look at how our teams round us have strengthened particularly charlton. I am interested in this team trying to keep us up but BFC board are really pissball merchants