I don't compare them to the Oystons. I just think they've not got the faintest, tinest inkling of the foggiest clue about how to run a football club in the Championship. And the statistics back that up. It's there for all to see, in black and white.
if you can't see what they are doing then may I suggest Specsavers or a Labrador. They haven't made mistakes they've followed their plan to the letter .
You can keep referring to a majority. A majority voted to Leave the EU, and to keep the Tories. It's of no effect to my mindset. All I've seen is poor recruitment, questionable sales and now a season of struggle. It's awful to see, with 17 games left. I'm not happy. But I'm not calling them greedy bast*rds. I'm not saying they're killing the club. Because I don't see that. Am I wrong to think that? Or is only your majority opinion counting here?
What is your opinion on their integrity? You have seen the many mistruths they have told. What is your opinion on that? What is your opinion on their conduct with the 21 word statement, silence and reasons for doing so?
They are greedy ******** that are killing the club. All this money that was going to be reinvested from player sales where has it actually gone?
See my last post. It's late. I'm up early to go to London tomorrow. I'm sorry, I just don't see things as bleakly as you and the majority do.
It's us silly ******** that keep going week in week out where the problem lies. We toddle off down to oakwell like little sheep following the **** shepherd in charge to watch the **** they muster up. Yet we keep going religiously paying their rip off prices for food and drink because we are football fans and we support our team regardless. But where does it end? If you went for a **** meal at a restaurant would you keep going back week after week or would you chalk **** on it and find somewhere else to go?
Well said. We are not relegated yet, although the odds are that we will be in League One next season. The blunderbuss approach to recruitment has been more Miss than hit. We can only hope that lessons have been learned for the future. If our owners are the money grabbing "crooks" that some on this forum believe, I think that with their money they may have picked a different club to fleece. The truth is we have always been a selling club, incoming transfer money has kept us in business, not just for the last few years but for over 100 years. Struber may have had targets who we failed to remember recruit. He did pick up 3 in the transfer window. Let's hope they can settle in and help convert losses into draws and draws into wins. One disappointing thing is that we were unable to "offload" some of the squad who have dropped out of favour under the new head,coach.
They were saviours, then we got relegated and they were ****, then we got promoted and they got no credit, now we're struggling and they're **** again. I notice the claims about asset stripping etc are on the back of not selling any players, let alone top ones. Ultimately they're here to make money (this was obvious from the start for those blinded by the obvious) , but they're not going to do it bouncing between divisions.
My theory is they are using the same approach as they did at Nice just smaller figures with us. A loan that covers the purchase cost. Use the clubs profit from player sales to lay it off. Re invest other money from player sales into cheaper players to try and repeat the process. Show the club to be profitable as a business and look to sell on for a large profit, shouldn't be too difficult seen as they got us on the cheap to some extent. Now obviously the club will be worth more if we are in the championship, but not enough extra to spend millions keeping us in it. Because even at mid table in league one the club would represent a good investment for a potential buyer. This is just my theory from what I have read in various places and put together. It could be completely wrong and I accept that.
Think this is more or less as I see it too. Another reason they’ve been trying to buy elsewhere in the UK with Patrick thistle in Scotland for instance. Attempting to accumulate a portfolio of clubs cheaply with less risk to themselves and more profit upon subsequent sale in the future.