I'd like the same jury system and no evidence or witnesses allowed if ever I'm accused of some crime I'm guilty of.
Really was a pointless exercise given the fact it was always going to be impossible to win as they needed 2 thirds of the Senate to vote in favour. The only thing I can think of is it was done with a view of hoping to influence voters for the next election
Not really - it showed the American people (and the world) how corrupt the Republican Party is. Now all that's needed is for people to take note rather than let him get away with all the stunts he's pulled. One can live in hope.
The whole exercise was a waste of time. He was never going to be thrown from office and his approval rating has increased whilst it's all been going off.
Terrible news. The world remains in a dangerous place with the hands of this loon with access to nukes... worrying.
Jesus wept. You do know that all the economy has done is continue on the same upward trajectory that it had throughout the Obama administration do you? And you do know that Trump has rolled back the safeguards put in place to prevent the worldwide banking crash that f***ked the planet's economies in the first place. So that just leaves the lying, criminality, environmental vandalism and racism. I guess you're fine with all of that.
I'd have phrased that a bit more sensitively but essentially you are correct, and that's because half of America are as thick and racist as he is.
The US Senate has lost what remaining credibility it had. It should hang its head in shame. All this debacle will have achieved will be to polarise the two camps further. The GOP has maximized short-term gain without regard to the long-term cost, that just makes them feel better off not knowing the cost. Decent Americans will see through their self serving immoral shenanigans, but sadly will not dissuade Trump's acolytes voting for him in future..
Do you actually think he's a good president? He's the living embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect; an impulsive narcissist in cognitive decline. Lol at some of the "accomplishments": Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord. Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan. Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay. We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME
A quick look at the Dems Iowa primary debacle shows you how corrupt the Dems are . DNC coming in to check Bernie votes ....... After 2016 I'm not holding my breath .
So basically he can do what he wants to who he wants without any ramifications, that is very scary and so fkin corrupt.
To be fair Joe Biden and his son aren't angels. They're all the same, all corrupt, underhanded politicians. The difference with Trump is he has no cap on his rhetoric. Bernie would be his best opponent even though I still think Trump would win convincingly - it'll be a landslide against Warren