Just been watching my grandson playing for Horizon against a school from Sheffield. Midway through the second half one of their players shouted “sir, sir, he’s just called me a Dee Dar”
Absolute quality. Well done that lad. First day at Senior School in Sheffield, I swear I thought I was in a foreign country. A fellow pupil from Sheffield said " nar ten yo'r lot ware da from Dee."? I hadn't got a dolly blue what he was saying to me.
De La Salle College in Pitsmoor. I travelled every day from Donny along with lads from Barnsley, Chesterfield, Worksop and Rotherham/Maltby. Because there were no Catholic Schools in Doncaster back then, my parents allowed our local priest to convince them I should have a good Catholic education. I have often wished that they had let me go to the nearest Grammar School at Thorne, but they didn't. Fortunately when it was my sisters turn, they used my experience as their guide and let her go to Thorne GS.
Barnsley " Nar then thee ar tha gooin on" North Sheffield up to Grenoside. " Nar den thee ar tha gooin on." Central/South Sheffield. " Nar den dee ar dah gooin on." For the last 25 years I've worked the Sheffield area with lots of us dingles and dem dee dahs. Great banter re our different accents. And trying to explain to em what a fishcake is and what a teacake is. Sum on em dunt know what laikin ( being on the sick) means Strange buggers. .
Similar story to me. Was at De La Salle 1968-73 instead of going to Broadway in Barnsley. Big mistake. Knew more when I entered than when I left!!
Don't know about the Christian Brothers that taught you, but those that taught me, weren't very Christian. Four of them, re- Ambrose, Serenus, Wilfred and Victor, were only too keen to dish out the strap or cane for the slightest little thing, that today they would probably be classed as sadists.
When I was in the 4th Year, Brother Peter caned me and four fellow pupils at 3rd Year assembly. Pain and humiliation. No idea why we were caned either.
On my second day I went into the cloakroom to get my gloves. Next morning Wilfred gave me three strokes of the cane in front of the whole school at assembly. The offence " out of bounds at dinner time."
John was a decent enough winger at school. Not built like Mick though. He will probably will have filled out later of course.
I remember Captain Wall. Was Thelwall teaching History when you were there.? He loved boxing I remember. It wasn't all bad at DLS. Remember going up to Fort William on a trip and we went by ferry to the Isle of Iona. All the brothers were suppin in the bar in casual clothes. On the return trip, the Popes representative ( Apostolic delegate) who had been on Iona got on the ferry back to Ft William. The brothers were running round begging the lads not to call them Brother or blow their cover. It was hilarious. One night, one of the Brothers borrowed a mate of mines suit and went into Fort William . He never returned. We were told later that he'd hooked up with a local lass, decided to quit the order and moved in with her.