Wife’s family in GA are all absolute Trump fanatics, it drives many a wedge as we can’t stand him. Some of the stuff they believe (spoonfed by Fox News) is absolutely laughable. The country is doomed.
Love him or loath him, people insulting everyone who votes for him etc like some on this thread display exactly some of the traits they claim to hate about Trump and his supporters... So much hatred.. I just think he might not be wired up reight but I respect that some people hold their own personal views and providing they don't inflict harm against others, they are perfectly entitled to believe in different values etc.. Have you ever watched BBC News / Sky News / Fox News and then watched a bulletin from say Russia Today.. People are drawn towards one side by media outlets. I struggle to think of one who isn't blatantly biased towards one extreme to another.
Life is a series of shades of grey but come on MDG, Trump is as close to black as anyone would imagine in a supposedly enlightened democracy. He is beyond defensible.
Did you actually read the list - some of those are not good. And some are downright bullshine. More people employed - means nothing - at what wages? how many jobs do people have to have to even live?
I could pick a dozen or more topics to evidence why in my humble opinion that Trump is a sociapathic nutter, but I'll pick one: 'The Environment'. The US has the world's largest stockpile of nuclear waste, predominantly Strontium 90 and caesium, 66% of all US nuclear waste. It is stored at Hanford, Benton County in Washington State. This waste also contains uranium which has a half life of 4.5 billion years. Before the storage facilities were built 120 million gallons of high level waste from the 1950s were just dumped in the ground. The current storage facilities are deteriorating with a major risk of contaminating the Columbia river and ground water. The US DoE have estimated the 'clean up' cost as $323 billion at today's cost and the process will take at least 100 years. Trump has recently ( April 2019) cut the annual budget to this project.
This Trump fella as continuously lied to the American people and he gets away with it he once said I could commit murder on 5th avenue and get away with it so nothing surprises me anymore regarding these right-wing politicians just take our right-wing prime minister only this week in Wednesdays prime ministers question time the lying so and so told the house not once but on 2 occasions that the economic growth of the country was 73% to the cheers of the Tory benchers which is a downright outrageous lie it as grown but at 20% so why should he lie to that extent. Who votes for these people I fookin know I don't.
its worth twenty quid that trumpy will get elected again,i honestly can see it coming,there is a lot of support for him and i doubt its all courtesy of fox news,i have no clue as to why he gets such support but there must be things happening that he promised prior to the last election,politics to the left of centre seems to be getting a hammering all over the world at the moment , yes the media is in general biased to the right but theres enough left wing stuff available to counter this,not everyone is being spoonfed via the likes of fox or the daily mail.
I think if he is matched against Sanders or Warren he'll win. Americans think anyone with a social conscience is a Commie unfortunately. Under his Presidency the run of the mill Republicans have seen courts packed with more right wing judges, religious intolerance strengthened and Obama's revived economy hijacked as being Trump's doing. His moronic base simply love the fact that he's uncouth like they are and throws his weight around.