feeling absolutely drained and gutted. Another one of lads only 32 decided to end his own life yesterday. He has been down in dumps for quite a while. He had a very bad bike accident in June 2018. Nearly losing his life then. Only this week he has started back at work doing a couple of hours a day. But the demons inside must have really got to him and he did the worst yesterday tea time. Sorry for the sad post but just for anyone feeling down or depressed... TALK. #itsoktotalk
I'm really sorry to hear that, mate. This board and close friends has helped me get through some difficult times and can only echo what you say. Don't suffer alone.
100% spot on. Never be afraid to talk to people and admit you’re struggling. It’s not a sign of weakness.
Lost a few pals in their 40’s, been low myself a couple of years back whilst going through divorce, working for absolute throbbers as well as being an only child and having both my parents passed on several years. Thankfully I’m in a much better place in my head and life now. Sad for your friend, RIP.
Very sorry to hear this. I've suffered from the black dog for many years & only once nearly got to that point nearly 20 years ago, when financial pressures and personal circumstances left me close to the brink. Thankfully I've never been back there, but I know what depression can do. I'm always here for PMs from anyone who feels that way. 32 is no age & you must feel terrible Granty, thank you for being able to share.
Awful for his friends and family, poor bloke. Happened at work a few years back when bloke marriage broke down. Wished he could have flagged up how he was feeling and desperately sorry that he didn't feel that he could. So much pressure in us all these days for many different reasons. Sorry for your lose.
Sorry to hear this mate, men find it much harder to talk than women, must be the Alfa male in us, and more often than not men also feel weak, embarrassed, a let down if they do vent, proba ly why suicide rates are higher in men, I have lost 5 friends over the same amount of years to PTSD, and they were the type you would think would never harm themselves, you're right it is ok to talk, again sorry about your friend mate
Really sorry to hear that mate. The hardest thing to do when you are feeling that low is reach out and talk, even though you know deep down that your friends would all listen. I am lucky, eventually I found a therapist that I could open up to and that saved my life. Best thing I have done I think. The struggle is still there but I have learned how to handle it better now. I may not be much help but I am willing to talk if anyone needs to, the stigma of men having therapy has to be gotten rid of and I feel no shame in having taken that step.
I'm very saddened to hear of your loss . Condolences to your family. Need anyone to talk to I'm always happy to listen and talk.
So sorry to hear this mate, but thanks for sharing as it's such an important issue. I'm a few years older than him though not a great deal, and I've already lost several people to suicide in my life. The human mind is a remarkable thing, but when it goes wrong we're still not that great at fixing it, sadly.