I've been trying to work out what his name means in German. "Bauer" means builder, "Soll" is an obscure word for "kettle" or "target", but the most common meaning is "debit" as in accounting. I'll go for Kettlebuilder. By the way, on a similar note, I translate "Beckenbauer" as "Toiletbuilder"...
He'll be the future captain. He never stopped talking and organising all game. Massive improvement compared to the charlton game IMO.
He was written off after two games. He’s a potential Beckenbauer after three. The truth is we won’t know for a while. The problem is, as far as staying in Tier 2 is concerned, we don’t have the time to wait.
Looked awful at Pompey and for the first half of the Charlton game, but did look much better and assured yesterday.
I presume you mean this bloke https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philipp_Kohlschreiber? It's only a matter of time before someone mentions this lass https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanny_Chmelar. I actually made a schoolboy error in my original post, the German word "Bauer" actually means "farmer", not "builder". Another fine mess I've got myself into.
I was expecting him to be a Rio Ferdinand type player which he isnt, he certainly isnt a John Terry, he reminds me more of a Peter Sand type. Without out being a knob i do want him to do well.
First game he wasn’t really pressed by the opposition which probably accounted for him not looking too bad and yesterday.