I know you can't believe everything you see on the internet and in fact I've said as much myself on here this weekend but there are some really disturbing reports and videos coming out of china that hint at something much more sinister going on. I've seen a video of authorities welding closed the doors and windows of an apartment block with people still inside, videos of healthy looking people being forced into cars/vans/containers and videos of again healthy looking people being grabbed and forcably injected in the street by police until they stop moving, dead or unconscious. There is also a claim from someone inside the coronavirus hospital (verified by photos as being someone in the hospital) saying that between 200 and 400 people with pneumonia like symptoms each day are taken out of the hospital by the military, loaded into vans and don't return.
I used to drink Corona in the 60's when the 'pop' man came round.... I seriously did not realise what a risk I was taking.
What do you think is happening though? I can believe everything you have said is been done to aid it spreading more, don't think certain foreign countries are as tactile as we are use to in terms of these things.
I have no idea but until this virus hit China had been seeing large scale rioting every day with police and military attacking huge numbers of the population. There has been speculation that this is a convenient way to get rid of the trouble causers.
It's a scary thought that really isn't it? I'd genuinely not thought or linked those two things. I saw something that it started from people having bat soup!? But surely that's been a dish that's been around for years in Asian culture?
On social media by any chance? I don't which is worse - that people come up with **** like this or that some people believe it.
I just find conspiracy theories in general quite interesting though no I didn't see it on social media What I would hazard a guess as to what's happening is that the outbreak is much much deadlier than China wants you to believe so all the over the top reaction videos I've seen are their panicked attempts at stopping it. Crematoriums running 24 hours a day creating unprecedented levels of sulphur dioxide in the air around Wuhan. Chemicals being pumped into the streets. People suspected of being infected being essentially kidnapped against their will. Hundreds of infected people disappearing from the hospital daily, taken away by the military. All points to a huge epidemic that is on an unprecedented scale.
I have it on good authority that the only people being infected are those that are part of the reptilian conspiracy. Only the shape shifting humanoid reptiles. Thats it!
A never buy into conspiracies however I read last week that a optician in China raised the alarm back in December and was lambasted and forced to say he was scare mongering.......the guy sadly died of the virus last week!!
Correct. They bottle everything up tje best they can. Even North Korea are refusing to take back dissidents for the firing squads...
The one thing I do find strange is the death of the young doctor who originally tried to warn people of the outbreak. It has been said that the virus is only usually fatal for those who already have health problems. A doctor should have a reasonably strong immune system.