Does anyone know when we are gonna get our early bird season ticket offers for next season? It's getting very late
Think they just go up on website now. Be interesting how they try to sell them to us.....if they do at all. Wouldn’t surprise me if they just put the prices on there and made no statement at all. They’ve treat us with contempt all season so why change anything now?
Usual marketing blurb Held at 2019 prices Represents excellent value for money One of the lowest priced in the division etc..
I'd hope they wouldn't repeat it on the same timescales as in previous seasons. The biggest threat to me not renewing my season ticket (held since 1995/96) will be if I'm forced to do it to lock in the lowest pricing level by 30th April, when we're still likely to be losing games and our inevitable relegation will have long-since been confirmed. If I can't bring myself to renew at the lowest price available, there's absolutely no chance I'm going to pay inflated pricing after the deadline has passed, and I don't want to be forced into that choice while the current season's games are being played. With so much anger and apathy still evident among many long-standing supporters, it would send a terrible message to expect them all to confirm their season-ticket purchases while this ****-show of a season, all caused by the mis-management of those running the club, is still ongoing. I'm not sure how much desire I'm likely to be feeling to chuck £400 or so at them in the period immediately after we've just played Leeds and Forest as a relegated side while they're both pushing for promotion. That being said, I fully expect the 30th April deadline to be repeated, because I doubt the club give a **** about how supporters feel these days. For me personally, it's more likely to be a dis-incentive to renew at all, as the decision to do so is genuinely in doubt for the first time in 25 years.
Their communication is so **** that they might just not bother this year. They might decide to just stick some waffle on the club website and expect us to find it.
"The time has come," Paul Conway said, "To talk of many things: Of season ticket renewals, And our club's disastrous swing, Of bargain basement centrebacks, And vacuums on both wings."