Wheres it going to come from...because I can't see it Might I also add my congratulations to the board.. On doing such a fine job..not... . Almost relegated and we your customers have had the wool pulled over our eyes..Time after time.... Your.brilliant sound bites your communication second to none must be applauded Guess we never saw the lack of quality coming like it has....but then again we did ...in fact Every fxxker in the country apart from yourselves and the recruitment team that is... But then again In your eyes no doubt a successful season... In ours the supporters yes supporters or at least mine a spectacular fxxk up.... Just like a used car salesman the customer only gets screwed over once... Before choosing to shop else where... In my opinion the sooner you sell up the better... As far as I can recall there's never been in my opinion such a **** board as we have now....ive been going since I was a toddler and I'm 63 next month Wait while they roll out the.... We will re group and bounce back stronger... It didn't help loosing DS.... Yes we made mistakes but with your help we will learn from them... Excuses... Yes I'm angry.... they are or should that read have ruined our club... My opinion Discuss... I Feel better for getting that of my chest... rant over... Apologies for my swearing... I Think this board of ours would make the club Chaplin swear if I'm honest...
Easy one, Shed. Probably Saturday 8 August v Crewe Alexandra (H)! Apart from that I'm wi' thee on all the rest (even though I'm a mere stripling of 61!).
Pmsl Ay You are all .... Kids....ay I don't know... Lol... Surely I'm not the oldest on here am I...lol. I might not be the oldest but some might say I'm the gobbiest though ( jedi one might eh Trev lol) ..lol. But nothing I ever write I wouldn't shy away from saying in person ... . Lol
Post match interview with newly appointed head coach Adam Murray “delighted with the win against frickley but i am concerned about the goals we let in. We do need a bit of experience after loosing our entire playing staff last week. These academy kids are great but we desperately need a couple of older heads in there. I’ll be speaking to the board tomorrow and hopefully we’ll get one or two in. It’s a difficult time of year though the summer so we can’t make any promises”
I know one or two on here who are older, but it's not for me to 'out' them! Obviously, Red Rain is as old as God!