Staunch Leave areas like Yorkshire and the North East are going to have a rude awakening funding wise as well. There's no way the government will fund these areas with its Shared Prosperity Fund the same as the EU did. The government is expected to target areas where the highest economic return can be generated - which tends to be areas which are already wealthy - while the EU allocate its funding to the least economically developed areas.
I'm also seeing Charles Dance as an elderly recluse. Living on the outskirts of the town, he survives on the royalties from his best-selling vegetarian cook books, published back in the nineties. Despite constant requests to pass on his culinary knowledge to Sheila and her friends, he declines their invitations. Towards the end of the film (although it's looking more like a series to me), his dark secret is brought to the surface when he is revealed to be.... an omnivore!
The Tory government set targets for everyone else, hospitals, schools, councils but have decided its “unhelpful” to have an immigration “target” themselves, net or otherwise. They can claim any outcome as a success if it’s never measured!
2.2 million sick people? All right some people have chronic conditions that would make it difficult for them to work. I would like to know the proportion of people who have a bad back or mood disorder and claim they cannot work. I am 70 years old and still work part time because I can, and have some skills that are still in demand. If I stopped working I could claim certain benefits - but I prefer to keep my mind active, I will keep working until I am incapable of doing it.
Alternatively, there are people with chronic disabilities and in some cases terminals illnesses that have been refused sickness benefits.
I can see a role here too for the dental hygienist, "Tracey", played by Ron Jeremy. The rest of the story unfortunately has been edited out.
Would they have decided to give Boris a free reign if there was credible opposition who were willing to honour the Brexit result? 3 years after the Brexit vote and we seemed no further forward. Election time comes and what do the main parties say? Tories are honouring result and want to press ahead with Brexit. Lib Dem’s are quite clear in saying no Brexit if they get in power. Labour, after saying post Brexit result in 2016 they would honour the result and ruled out a second referendum, then start flip flopping with a no, but yer, but no, but yer approach before deciding on not honouring the result before more votes were needed on the subject, dragging the process on and on. If Corbyn had decided to honour the referendum vote like he first said, it would be interesting to see how the people who voted Brexit in the Labour heartlands would have actually voted.
Research suggests that Labour supporting Brexit in this election would have potentially won more votes across the seats they lost (in Brexit country), but would have lost more votes and seats in the cities. So overall, it would have been a bad move for them - particularly seeing as well over 60% of the members, activists and MPs are against it.