Response to tyketastic post. I totally agree with this , it’s the diversity of Our board that makes it tick over . I feel if it were only BFC related threads it would stagnate . It really baffles me when posters complain about the different threads . Firstly they really don’t have to open them as most are clearly headed and secondly if there’s only 30%BFC related threads as the op suggests which on most day I’d disagree but even so what does that in itself say . We haven’t got the fanbase for the turnover of BFC only threads . Thirdly what does it say about posters wanting to ban others ?
I'm not that confident of a win. Going to be a scrappy game. I think the first goal will decide it. Can't see any changes from Fulham, other than the bench. We'll run out of pies before half time.
This Mentioned the same a few weeks back off the back of a racial hate thread and was pulled to bits by certain precious individuals.
There is nothing in the BBS Terms and Rules, that say that the forum is limited to discussing Barnsley FC content only. Until such times that such a rule is introduced, it seems therefore entirely legitimate, that members of the board can post items of diverse interest on any topic of their choosing, so long as any board rules are not compromised. As suggested by some in the past, a suitable remedy would appear to be the inclusion of a miscellaneous forum similar to those already existing for " Chat, Match Memories and Nostalgia", or failing that, if any member takes exception to what they deem to be inappropriate content, they are at liberty not to read it.
I like this idea, people being adult about things and avoiding reading what they don't want to read all by themselves without the requirement to segregate anything.
Sorry buddy we don't talk football you're on the wrong forum... Lol Seriously... Though re op... Isn't this what makes this forum so unique and in many ways not only eccentric whacky weird diverse but hugely fun to not just sticking to football I still chuckle recalling the circumcision thread that had me in stitches for days pardon the pun..nobody laughing at that thread needs help... My opinion before the law suits start... . Ive lost count of the times over the years I've either given or got advice on different subject matter.. Ive used services that certain members on here or their friends provide ..non sexual as yet might I add but there's still time .... I have been an extra in a hamster porn movie that somebody recommended to watch... But then again haven't we all.. Lol.... Only joking..another story another time. I hasten to . Sorry ladies... although one instance springs to mind on an overnighter the offer of do you want to sleep on top did raise my eyebrows slightly in surprise only momentarily until I realised my room mate was talking bunk beds ... Lol This site has been many things... Its lifted my spirits allowed me an outlet to tell stories which would have been lost in the mist of time.. created friendship allowed me to vent my anger triggered some great debates . .. Its been an escape tunnel too, when life has got too serious.. Its allowed me to earn money when we hosted the bbs get together (should have watered the beer down cooked less chips and not given the autographed book from the beast I bought and got him to sign away as a raffle prize ) I might have made profit if only hindsight hey... Lol... Only joking... Second thoughts mmmmm am I mmmmmm lol Yes this place... a fantastic place and for me a balance is had Its a credit to Gally and the guys and girls who monitor it all So I for one can't thank them enough Its Reight esit is.... Bugger football... It causes too many arguments and divisions... Did somebody mention Corbyn Brexit and Conway Hahaha
Also a combination of lack of none football posts and match day "mega threads" (has have been suggested) would mean there would only be one or two posts a week with one thread with 100's of pages (which generally really irritates me).
The BBS (and it's previous versions) has always been a forum for folk to discuss and debate any issues they want to. The one thing that connects the posters on here is that everyone supports the same club. Due to this obvious connection, the vast majority of the posts are about Barnsley FC. But it's never been a football only forum, which probably has helped with it's longevity. This present version, brilliantly run and paid for by Gally (much appreciated by us all), will be 15 years old in July.
Tha mardy sod! This isn’t a barnsley fc update page, it’s a forum of Barnsley fc supporters. We have always discussed everything. If you aren’t interested in people’s beer choices, brexit, who’s going to be the next labour leader, anything else political, the ever growing joke thread, or any thread created about any subject, don’t read it. Don’t contribute to it, move down to the next one and look for something that is of interest. The bbs is the single most diverse football fans’ forum of its type that I’ve seen. I see no reason why it should change, in fact if some of the restrictions suggested were implemented I think it would die on its arse within a couple of months. It is pretty unique in my eyes, and I don’t just come on here to discuss football - but if that is what you want to do, there are plenty of threads for that, and if there isn’t one, start one.
I love being a part of the BBs family.Not everybody can or should agree with every view written on here because it's all about opinions.One thing I'd like to implement on this board during the present climate are the new "buzz " words ,Be Kind.
This isn’t a football forum, it’s a forum for Barnsley FC fans. Not for us to talk about football, just for us to talk. I wouldn’t come on here otherwise.
Would love to discuss football. But do we honestly get enough diverse football threads to keep people interested. I love the off topic threads. We may disagree with people on football matters but find they have common ideals etc on other things. Really how many threads of a different nature can you develope around a game of football. Who would you pick Who are we signing. What was the game like. Strubers ***** Strubers great. Sack the board. I like the make up of people I neither have met or know. It would be boring if we all agreed on every topic. I may not like the opinions of a few. Eg. Makes my blood boil when dissing the town etc. But leads to a lively debate. If I'm wrong. ( Very rare ) I'll apologise. If I offend it's not with intention. ( In 99% of cases) I'll apologise. If anyone speaks up for the Tories. You can fcku right off. (1%)
As it's just over a year to the day since I finished my Burton to Barnsley walk in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance/Steve Croft, it reminded me of the overwhelming generosity of people on here. Not only your donations, but encouragement, pride and humour that went way beyond football. As others have pointed out on this thread, we talk about all sorts but we are all bound together as Barnsley fans. It went beyond football, raising awareness for the air ambulance and more. It was the BBS that really kicked off the fundraising effort, I couldn't believe the support I received, and the encouragement to go for it and shout about it and spread the word (something that doesn't come naturally but was necessary for the cause!). It made me proud to be a Barnsley fan and immensely proud of the BBS. And some of the O/T, non-footy stuff on here has me in stitches on a weekly basis. Long may it continue..
I like the fact that every six months or so people have what I call board amnesia. That means we can start again with the same topics for discussion and get lengthy threads which are almost word for word what they were previously. This thread being a prime example!
There’s an active poster on here who, a year or so since, following a marriage split, seriously considered ending his life. After countless messages of support, from folk on here, and being spoken to by a very decent member of admin, he is still with us today. And though I don’t know him personally, seems happy in himself now. I totally avoid politics threads and get bored with repetitive ‘we need a right back, three midfielders...’ type posts, but if this place was limited to football only, it would sink quick. To the point it’d only be active on matchdays and during transfer windows.
David. With respect. The type of question your suggesting raise no debates really. 1. Yes/No end of 2. Immaterial. 3 Yes/No don't know,I could look up on Google, but so could you. 4 Proper footballing question ? 5. It will not alter the managers selection. 6. Yes. 7. Probably. What I'm trying to point out, very little on the footballing side offers debate only opinion. I notice you get involved in off topic subjects. So I'm assuming you actually like to get involved. And was at a low point creating this thread.