...comes in in March. Further proof that we have finally regained control over what's really important. Amazing times. Brexit will clearly be worth it if things carry on like this. And to think I was a remoaner...!! P.s. New years resolution was not to post anything re: politics/current affairs. I've done ok really!
It's great that the British government has once again decided to return to a blue passport after they chose to change the colour about 30 years ago. Hopefully the French company who designed them will be able to get the Polish factory who are making them to ship them via Europe on time.
I so ******* hope they all get held up at the border and nobody can get a new passport because of it. Even funnier if all the government’s passports expire and nobody can go over there to try and sort it out.
Made in Poland by a French-Dutch company, rule Britannia, you’ve been taken for a fool, don’t make it worse for yourself by defending these spivs.
Really don’t care what colour it is what I do care about is it is a lot less useful from next January whether it’s blue or red and no you can’t use an older one in the EU queue after the end of this year and some places already stopping it
Ye , it's not like you couldn't have asked for one for the past 30 years is it. Well worth the £200 billion these tw@ts have cost us in the past 3 years isn't it ...