I once drove into someone who blocked my drive in a act of what I admit was pure rage. Car parked across the drive and i had to go out. Someone sat in the car so I went up and asked them to move. Her reply was, there is nowhere else to park and the kids will be out in 10 mins. She also said I didnt even say please! Now I may not have been overly polite but I hasn't been aggressive I think I just said something like "can you move your car from across my drive so I can get out" Unlucky for her in what was a fairly new Audi as I recall the car on the drive was a 15 year old astra. I saw red and just drove straight into the side of her car.(very slowly more a nudge) She pulled out of the way and off I went. She was screaming out of the car at me but I just went, i had lost it! Anyway later that night her fella turned up at my door. Rather gingerly i opened the door expecting at best a argument and at worse a fight. Guy apologied to me for her behaviour and wouldn't hear of it when I said I was sorry about the damage. Never saw her again and we have since moved, it's the only time I have ever really lost it in a car and hopefully the last.
I live first house in on a "blind" bend. Opposite our house is the junction to a cul-de-sac with a snicket leading to the rear gates of the school. On approach to our road is a hill. I have pointed out to the police and Council that there ought to be yellow lines on the road to deter at least fifteen vehicles who twice a day defy the Highway Code and park on a hill, at a junction and on a bend in the road. I've heard nothing back and no one as far as I know , has ever been to check out what I have claimed happens.
Mate, greatest respect but you're making a fundamental error in your approach here. You are assuming the council paint yellow lines to make the roads safer and help traffic flow. They don't. The only imperative is making more money cos they have zero imagination to do owt else.
You're right. I phoned a couple of times and spoke to people in the Highways Department. Their suggestion was " speak to the Police". I followed their advice but didn't follow up on the Polices suggestion which was, " speak to the Council." You might as well bang your head against a brick wall.
Yeh agree FR. I wasn’t going to consider the insurance claim route albeit I’ve since discovered it’s a bit of a mine field tracking down lug/ wheel nuts that are safe etc. and expensive. Plenty of cheap options but ended up going to the dealer. Bought an extra set of locking nuts for a bit of extra security. As I said, it was the malice behind the vandalism that frustrates me! They were clearly intent on making it virtually impossible for me to get home.
I’d still look about the houses... it’s amazing how many people have cctv that may have caught something...