Capitalism, whatever you think about it is the real enviro-fascist. A political and economic system based on the premise that continued, persistent, year on year growth viaiuse of natural resources is vital for its continuity. Just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of all the pollution. But dont mind that, you get yer panties in a twist over a 17 year old girl.
Tekkytyke sometime in the past... Those women eh? Protesting for a vote. If only they'd just educate themselves and ask politely they might be given it.
If some had their way we still be blazing clouds of ***** into the atmosphere as everyone sits round a coal fire. This town in particular had its slice of the cake from this industry.
This is only partly related but am I the only one who thinks it's disgusting that Morrisons charge 25p for a paper bag? Shouldn't the price of recyclable, environment friendly bags be as low as possible rather than as high as they can get away with?
Thank you A perfect demonstration of why the enviro facists have Greta fronting their. Doesn't matter what anyone says. Just play the 17 year old girl card to undermine the arguement. I'm attacking the message (or the lack of substance in it) and their use of a human shield. I see you're happy to be a collaborateur
I have seen a lot of the world over a fair period of time and seen the changes to islands and coral reefs caused by the seas getting warmer and deeper. If you think there is a lack of substance in the message you are part of the problem and need to open your eyes. Fake as fuq. Even the leftski Guardian see through it all....
I don't see older white male David Attenborough getting the same grief when he gives the same message.
I think you need to recalibrate your use of the word "fascist". You're the one defending large polluting corporations who've spent years covering up and denying the damage done to the planet despite their own science showing them what was happening , yet I'm the "fascist collaborateur?"
Let's say for a minute that she is. Her parents and companies are telling her what to say. She's a young easily led girl with a disability who is being taken advantage of. Isn't the message she shouts still correct that we need to do all we can to save the planet?
Let's say for a minute that she is. Her parents and companies are telling her what to say..... Isn't the message she shouts still correct that we need to do all we can to save the planet? I think you answered your question with your first sentence
We do... But the earth has gone in cycles from the year dot. Ice, bronze... It's just another cycle.....just like this "Virus" is another flu. But scare the masses