I will always get one! Stay up or go down! Aye, stop going/stop buying a season ticket - that’ll show them! For goodness sake!
I'm going to stop reading BBS after we lose a game because we always get these bullshyte postings telling supporters not to buy a season ticket, undecided whether to etc, etc. If you don't support the club in its entirety then don't bother going all I want to read is about the game if I've been or not.
He does make a good point, one which a lot agreed with a few weeks ago and most probably still do. My disillusionment is nothing to do with results - I feel the same way win, lose or draw.
I hope Chien and the Indian fella are. Why, are you saying they arnt? If you are - then what are they worth?
Cos thats what's happening... Do get a grip. They'd probably take out 200k each. Wow bet he can't wait for that.