I wonder if the owners will give up and sell on, if so then I would welcome relegation. If only to get rid of these leeches.
If there is a silver lining from being relegated it will be our owners either learning and becoming better or selling up and leaving. I'm happy with either.
I don’t get why people think that there is a queue of billionaires just waiting to snap us up and pour money into the club...
I don't know anyone who thinks this, nor have I seen anyone posting on here suggesting that they think there is.
We dont need billionaires but we do need someone who knows football and who is prepared to invest some money/ get more sponsorship/ make money for the club.
If we get relegated I might to get to see us play Exeter for the first time ever.... https://www.11v11.com/teams/barnsley/tab/opposingTeams/opposition/Exeter City/
Who says they’re billionaires except press rumours? Ten-Bob ones maybe.... All irrelevant mind as they won’t and haven’t used a penny of their own cash since purchase. You could put kipper Jackson in charge of the club for all the difference it would make
I remember the first time I saw us play Exeter, 3-0 up at half time, walked around to the muck stack for the second half expecting a couple more to finish them off. We lost 4-3 3rd May 1977, attendance 5,293 Walked back into town with half a dozen Exeter fans, had a good natter and some good natured banter, they went to the station to catch a train, we went to the Old no 7 for a few. No vitriol on social media then, next morning it's all forgotten and we look forward to the next game.
Why would they leave. We will sell a couple of players to balance the spreadsheet for starters and will still sell around 8,000 season tickets in league one. They are well in black since taking over and why wouldn't that continue? PC had a nice little cash cow for years and these will have just the same......