If Chien Lee has stated he won't put any money in to the club then why does he need to be a billionaire?
Ok, I wasn’t going to comment again. But... I didn’t mean that he needed to be a billionaire, but people seem to think wealthy folk are queuing up to Chuck money into our club, with nothing more return than a possible trip to Wembley and a seat in the directors box to show for it. Now if they’re happy with people putting no money into the club... then why change?
I don’t look forward to that prospect at all.... we’ll wait and see.? .. what if no one came forward?
Because people aren't happy with the manner in which Chien and co are doing it. The disdain they show to supporters, the lies or at very least misleading comments, the wall of silence, the disappearing for months on end. The deliberate lack of clarity about heir intentions and desires. The attempting to buy numerous other clubs including at least one which would be illegal in football terms and still no explanation as to what that means for our club. And this is all before you go into the policy of selling any player in case another bid doesn't come in and refusing to deviate from their one trick pony plan. And why would we not be able to find other people who have no desire to spend their money but know football and care about the club? We have managed without oversees billionaires for well over 100 years. Rather than us having to prove that people with good intentions still exist i'd ask you, why are you so convinced that there are no people like John Dennis in the world anymore?
I find these types of threads very very strange. We have knew owners at the beginning of their journey with Barnsley. They got the recruitment of centre backs wrong in the summer. And from the start (even when Ganaye was present) they don’t engage with supporters as much as they should do if they want to encourage support for the club. But that’s it ....... these are slight misdemeanours in the whole scheme of things. And yet we have raving loony supporters throwing their arms in the air as tho the Ponty has been demolished and a Tesco’s built there. Crackers!!!
A question for you nudge. What (other than the money they say they have) makes you so confident that the club is on good hands?
I agree that they don’t interact well with supporters.. We tried before to find investors. PC tried for a number of years before Chien came forward. Plus who’s to say we wouldn’t get a Oystons? Chien and Co aren’t killing the club, they’ve made poor decisions, not explained their decisions to supporters... but I still feel confident that our club is not in financial difficulties and will ride out the storm.
But that isn't taking into account that he had different priorities throughout. He SAID that if anyone came forward he would look at selling but how active was he in seeking out a new owner? How selective was he when ruling out those who did come forward (and people did)? And how much more did he attempt to find a buyer when he was given his awful news? Did this make him lower the standards that he would accept drastically? In other words had Chien Lee come forward 3 years earlier would Patrick have sold? I honestly don't think so
Partick thistle. Had they bought the club it would be a conflict of interest and either them or us would have needed different owners and yet whilst Paul was out there talking to every newspaper in Scotland he was pretending we didn't exist
Not entirely correct. UEFA rules state that the clubs in question have to be competing in the same UEFA competition before there would be any question of a conflict of interest. Now even if a miracle occurred and both Barnsley and Partick Thistle for instance reached the Europa league, the owners could just simply dilute their ownership of one of the clubs if required. Current UEFA rules mean :- it would be possible for someone to have a 100% shareholding in one club and a 49% shareholding in another club competing in the same competition. So it's just about the makeup of the consortium which would make it perfectly legal.
A club in a different league who we'll never ever play against is a conflict of interest? I wonder how City Football Group get away with owning Manchester City, New York, Girona, Mumbai, Yokohama and Melbourne amongst others?
They’re not making massive losses. it’s fairly straightforward- all those clubs that are benefitting from their owners willingness to ‘invest’ their own money are only a heart attack away from annihilation. Whether our owners leave this summer or in 10 years time we can be certain that the club will still exist. Can you name 5 other championship clubs that’s true of?
EFL rules state different though. Clearly state you can’t own or influence another club either alone or joint and includes Scottish leagues. https://www.efl.com/-more/governanc...and-dual-interests-and-additional-provisions/