How does your lass pass you your snap through if you haven't got one of those 70s style hole from the kitchen to the living room?
I think the idea is that it’s common courtesy to not go out unnecessarily if you have the symptoms. Where it all falls down is where they expect people to live off SSP and not go to work. I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t live off £90 a week without using my savings. I’m fortunate in that I have savings, but many people don’t and will not be able to have the time off. Particularly in low paying jobs, which usually happens to be jobs where there are many people doing the same job in close proximity (aka warehouse workers) I’m also fortunate in that I can work from home if necessary, in fact I work from home almost every day, anyway. It’s going to be a massive problem though and it could kill the economy of the country, at a time when the country can not afford that to happen. For all the people dismissing this as ‘not even as bad as the flu’ and nothing to worry about - this is more infectious, there’s no vaccine, no antibodies. When was the last time the flu **** down 90% of China?
Thing is, people won't self isolate so it's going to spread. And the symptoms sound to he like a cold so people won't necessarily know that they have it to start off with.
got to love people who can do sums but have no idea what analysis is. As @BarnsleyReds posted, the important numbers are the rates of infection and mortality rates. Even if the numbers of infected grow by only 100% a week how long before there's 1000 cases? 10,000? At the current rate of growth, the 87 cases today is more than 600% in a week, there were 13 cases this time last week. At that rate, it's a matter of months before the confirmed cases breach a million. (20,000 dead) We'd better be hoping that this week's growth is an anomaly.
I don't know about other countries but the reports on deaths here in Italy related to Coronavirus all seem to include references to either ongoing or exkisting medical issues and/or verey elderly (80 years of age +) I dare say there are some middle aged or younger that may have succumbed but I have yet to see any children or very you listed as victims (I am sure the press would be all over it if there were).
I'm sure they've said somewhere on the news or PHE have said that the main mortality rate is in the very young, elderly and people with medical conditions already. There's not been much said from what I can see on like people from like age 20 to say 70, then again I could be wrong so don't take my word for it.
No I am certainly NOT making light of the epidemic but I firmly believe that it IS scaremongering to say that between 400k and a 1m people in the UK could die in the next year due to the virus as one poster on here has said based on WHO percentages. Many people aged between 20 and 60 will probably catch it and be unwell for several days and make a full recovery. I think these 3%-3.5% figures being publicised are the known cases. Many people like those just mentioned will go unreported. The effect of much of this reporting from certain sections - certainly not all - of the media is causing horrendous issues for the World economy the 'knock on effect ' being panic buying supply chain shortages unemployment, collapsing businesses and genuine hardship for many people. By all means we need to be kept up to date regarding the spread of the virus, and the actions we need to take to minimise it and keep healthy. The communication from Barnsley Council that someone posted in this thread is exemplary and how it should be done. All IMO of course.
There are currently ~13,000 cases outside of China. This number doubles every 3 days. If that continues there will be 1.7 million cases in 3 weeks.
Figures I saw showed a 0% mortality rate under 20 (kids are barely affected so far), rising up to 2% as you move up from 20s to 60s, then increasing over 70. This thread is quite informative
Good opinion, can't disagree, so long as we keep the hygiene going things won't be so bad IMO but the media are certainly making it worse, every time a case pops up it's a mass scramble to see which media company gets it out there first.
Reports now saying that the virus has mutated into 2 strains. S-Type and L-Type S type being the original virus. L-Type is what’s allowing it to spread so quickly and currently accounts for ~70% of cases
This is an interesting short read on the topic - cuts through some of the media hyperbole - Click on the text "Communication about Coronavirus" to follow the link I particularly like the example of Reasonable Worst case scenario - being just that - its not necessarily the most likely scenario giving as an example swine flu where the projection of Deaths worst case was 65,000 Actual deaths were 360. It is possible 80% of the population will get it - but its not probable Still a case in Barnsley isnt great news when I am planning on coming up this weekend
Yeah, probably best going round ramming your tongue down everyone you meet's throat. Once more the collective brain power of the BBS shows so-called experts the way forward.