Is it a write up by yourselves or the club? If it’s by the club, can somebody that was there read over it and make sure nothing has been edited?
By the club but I will do that. Its pretty long and comprehensive is my understanding. According to staff last night, the plan going forward is to be more open. Guess this is the first test
Yes, far too little too late. Always judge folk by their actions not their words. This lot have said plenty in the past, I.e before this season went pear-shaped after the first game v Fulham, but have delivered f**k all squared.
Used to be a about 8 mates who went home and away theres 3 of us left going regularly, and I think there same as me ,its a no for us next season also
Well what I read on the website has really encouraged my swing o meter to buy a season ticket ! We learnt nothing and it smacked of desperation
"As a club, we’ve always been clear that we take the final decision on who we bring in and who we let out." No you haven't Dane, but thanks for finally coming clean about it.