As you may know, cycling in Cambridge is very popular, so much so the County Council started work on a Dutch-style roundabout in September 2019. These roundabouts prioritise cyclists (see BBC article for an image - It was estimated to cost £800,000, but is running over budget at £1.8 million, and is over-running completion by 3 months. It is being built on a key route in Cambridge, and the locals aren't happy. I appreciate many people won't be interested as cycling isn't as popular in Barnsley (I think!), but I just thought I'd post this to see what people think. Is it a waste of money? Could it happen in Barnsley?
I bet there will be an amazing amount of rear-end shunts with people stopping when coming off the roundabout. Looks a bit of a daft design to me.
No problem with the idea but I'm always amazed how much these things cost. As for the design... Looks like a good way to kill cyclists to me. I'm sure regular users will get used to it, but until they do, and for people who don't use the roundabout regularly, they're not going to expect a cyclist riding straight across the road in front of them when exiting a roundabout.
Highway planners from Wakefield must have been on the same roundabout construction course as the guy from Cambridge as they seem to be cropping up in the City. Went down the A650 from the M1 ( Jct 41) to Newton Bar the other day and was surprised at the number of alterations that have occurred since I use to work on the 41 Industrial Park.
All roundabouts in Germany are such that cyclists, and pedestrians, have priority over cars when crossing the road entering the roundabout. They also have priority when crossing a minor road at its junction with a larger road. I have to continually warn my wife about this when she's in the UK, as even after 20 years she sometimes forgets that she can't just cross a road without looking.
Just like “smart” motorways nobody understands it. Perhaps it’s from the same stable. It’s also blocked off one of Cherry Hinton’s main roads.
Complete waste of money at that price for a bit of red paint and moving some lines about.. Somebody is really lining their pockets on that project.
Yes, I feel really sorry for people in that area. Luckily I don't have to travel in that direction, but if you have to do so on a daily basis, it must be horrendous.
It works perfectly in Germany as everyone knows the rules, which are simple. Far safer than here, where pedestrians take risks at busy roundabouts while waiting for a chance to cross.
I genuinely can't see it working as intended for the reasons already stated and the cultural differences between here and Holland when it comes to cycling.
We struggle to design decent roundabouts for cars to be fair. All these modern road schemes to increase capacity just never work. Most of the time they’ll do anything they can to avoid grade separation when it’s obviously the best solution. I saw some plans the other day suggesting another roundabout will be added to the Dearne Valley Parkway between KFC and Shortwood Roundabout!