In light of recent of panic buying UK supermarkets have introduced purchase limits. Asda: 2 hand sanitisers, 24 toilet rolls max. Tesco: 1 Hand sanitiser, 18 toilet rolls & 2kg rice. Co-op: 12 rolls toilet paper, 1Kg rice. Aldi: 2 Trumpets, 1 diving suit & a MIG welder.
Was picking a prescription up yesterday, quite a few people coming in trying to buy hand gel which they didn’t have. Woman in queue pipes up Asda had it yesterday I got loads!! . I despair
I'm still laughing at the fact people are panic buying toilet roll, went to Asda and Morrisons yesterday and you'd have thought shop was raided. Got some at Lidl, get to Lidl kids, there's plenty to go about.
If only we still had the old tear-off paper season tickets. I bet there's loads going spare down at Hillsborough.
Saw a some Wendy ST tickets behind a bog door pinned with a nail I thought I’m having that Never know when a nail might come in handy
We normally pick up a nine pack during our big monthly shop but there are none left and we are starting to run low now. What surprises me is how people are panic buying soap. Did they not wash their hands before coronavirus? Dirty gits.
Just been to the Hallamshire amd the department we were in had started taking in all the hand sanitizers overnight as they had 7 pinched in one night !
in days of yore folk used a stick to er wipe their a*** - that's where the expression 'to get hold of the wrong end of the stick' comes from. Hope it doesn't come to that MK!
The apocalypse. Death, destruction, nothing to wipe your arse on. Becoming a Sheffield Wednesday fan. How low can you go?