If like chicken pox once you have had Covid 19 do you then become immune to it and then this would help drive it out of our lives, if so would you deliberately get it to get it over and done with? Would you give it to low risk family members so they could move on ? or would you self isolate to avoid getting it?
Yes in theory you are immune nice you've had it. Or at least they think so. There is a risk that slightly different strains of it can occur and you wouldn't necessarily be immune to that but could be. This is why when they give you a vaccine for things they tend to use the rarer more obscure strains because it gives you immunity to the main virus AND the obscure strains too. There are also people with weak immune systems who wouldn't be immune in the same way that they wouldn't be immune from the flu despite having a vaccine. And yes the quickest and safest way to get passed the outbreak would be to literally seperate the country into two groups. At risk and low risk and try their hardest to give the low risk group the virus, get them sharing it around and after a couple of weeks go back to normal knowing that most people are now immune. That is the herd immunity that people talk of in a deliberately accelerated form. If we could guarantee that the country could be trusted to separate itself into two groups it would certainly by the method that saves the most lives unfortunately it wouldn't really work because people are people and wouldn't (and in many case couldn't) stick to it. To answer your question though, yes they can gladly give it me today if they want.
I thought I read somewhere that a person was released after it had cleared up, only to be readmitted later with it again. Now, he could have been released too early and it had not cleared up fully, or as ST states above, it could have been mutation the second time.
I’ve also read about long term damage to the internal system. Especially lungs. Basically, it’s way too unknown right now.
We won't know who is immune & who has just not caught it, as we are not testing people. Testing would have been the key to this, but we have discarded it. Places like South Korea implemented rigorous testing immediately. Look at their success. We have a serious problem ahead.
I believe that the person who appeared to have had it twice was suspected to have simply had a second wave of symptoms. Could be wrong though, it could be a different person. As RedHelen says, some people can actually get things twice when generally speaking it is a virus that's considered once and done.
I've heard it can **** with your kidneys and cause multiple organ failure if your immune system goes into overdrive fighting it. The scarring it leaves in your lungs can leave you with chronic bronchitis.
And who did you hear it from?Scaremongering and passing on unsubstantiated rumours does nobody anygood. That kind of talk causes people to panic buy and strikes fear into every one.
Bad example. Shingles in adults is the same virus and you can catch it even if you had chicken pox in childhood. Simplisticly----- many viruses are only 'caught' once because when the immune system encounters a new virus it attacks it with various combinations of antibodies to fight off the invader in order to find the right combination that succeeds (this is why some people only get mild symptoms and other serious or even worse succumb to it depending on how quickly the correct combination is found. Remarkably though, the Immune system memorises the combination of antibodies required for a particular virus and thereafter, if the virus 'invades' again, the immune system 'knowsì which combination of anti-bodies to send to 'repel the invader' and quickly destroys it before it can take hold. The above is something I only recently read about and leaves me in awe as to how incredible the human body is, and for all man's scientific achievements we are 'light years' away from anything as complex,efficient, advanced and self maintaining.
I keep saying it, but I really don’t feel comfortable with the idea of wilfully infecting the country with a virus we know basically nothing about. Seems ******* stupid to me, but what do I know.
They don't really know if you'll be immune to it once you've 'recovered'. And they aren't that sure about long term complications it might cause individuals. A number of virologists have raised concerns about it mutating. We don't know what we are dealing with and the UK's response has been wholly inadequate. They can deny it, but its clear to me that our strategy is herd immunity. There are literally thousands of younger people with underlying health problems that they aren't aware of that are being put at risk. They're playing roulette with other peoples lives, in my opinion. Speed is the key and it always better to err on the side of caution, no?
I think we are dependent on the scientists, and in all fairness, it was reported groups of scientists had fully mapped the virus genome weeks ago and now believe they have a working vaccine, though trials certification and mass production are months away. I think either way most of the population will be exposed until a vaccine is availble but the idea of qaurantine in most countries is to a) weather the winter flu outbreaks which already overload the Health systems and b) spreads the chronic cases needing hospitalisation over a longer period instead of overwhelming the Health service in 'one fell swoop'. ON that basis I am inclined to think the UK has got it 'wrong' The worry for me is, not sure if it was fake news, but it was being reported that Trump was trying to corner the market offering huge sums for exclusive rights to manufacture the vaccine. Surely even he cannot be that crass and it cannot be allowed to happen and I find it hard to believe it could in the circumstance of a Pandemic although it does reminds me of the David Mitchell 'My Laboratoire' Garnier sketch!!