Tag them? Police them? Build concentration camps? Are any of you over 70 (I'm not) and what is your reaction to maybe having to stay isolated for four months? I know what I'd be saying and doing ....
Endless reruns of early Corrie with the likes of Ena Sharples and those other two old bats doddering about
OMG they just popped into my head. Minnie Caldwell and Martha Longhurst. Crikey I DESERVE to be locked up 4 months for that!
Shoot them on sight. Its quicker and cheaper than hospital treatment.* *Dear government leaders if you read this, it is a joke not a policy suggestion.
Why would they NEED to police it? If i was over 70 and was told that the best way to stay alive was to stay indoors.....i'd stay indoors. Doing anything else would be just stupid wouldn't it?
Give them all a nice Shackleton's original high seat chair so they don't want to go walk-about. They're lovely.
The problem isn't just the pandemic, but also the increased risk of having effective treatment for any other condition. If you had a car crash or an heart attack last year, you might have a great chance of survival but the same issue next month and you might not. We all need to take extra care around our everyday activities - drive slower, reduce stress, eat healthily, monitor your blood sugar, stop juggling knives, etc - whatever it takes to reduce any risks in your life and to your health.
It’s the generation that voted for Thatcher in a landslide three times in a row. I don’t think we can give them credit for too much intelligence or selflessness.
I'm sure there are a lot of sensible old people, but the word "cantankerous" was invented for a reason. And let's not forget, stupid young people eventually become stupid old people.
Especially as if their is a shortage on medical staff and equipment because if they have to choose who to save the old person is going to be left to die over the young person every single time.
What would you be doing then? Going out anyway, putting yourself, your family and countless other people (both directly and indirectly) at risk? Seems logical.
Despite what I said yesterday about shooting/imprisoning the infected (if they break their 'curfew') I just had the following conversation with someone I care a great deal about: Her: That's me done for two weeks. Boris says anyone with symptoms needs to self-isolate. Me: Fvck. If I can do anything for you, let me know. Her: Thanks. I still think I'll be okay to walk the dog, though.
No it isnt. The generation that voted for Thatcher is mostly dead now. Todays old people were young in Thatchers day and for the most part no fans of hers.