It wants scrapping totally, thieving f**kers! No need for this outdated stealth tax in this day and age whatsoever. Get some adverts on and have done like everyone else.
Logical thinking. The services the BBC provide are definitely comparable to itv, channel 4, sky etc. And they're really expensive for what they provide at a national level.
Ohh no, not adverts I hate them. I have a tivo box & I love to hit the pause button, scrap it by all means but I would like to see an alternative to adverts. What that is I have no idea.
A timely reminder here that scrapping the free licence fees for those 75+ is a Government thing, which they washed their hands of by passing the responsibility to the BBC, thus avoiding criticism like that expressed above. Funding this government social care plan would mean the complete scrapping of whole channels & much of the BBC's radio network. Whether you think that's a good thing or not isn't really the issue here; save your ire for the government absolving itself of any responsibility.
Reading what I said back, it may have come across without sarcasm. I don't understand how, or why, anyone objects to the BBC. There must be at least one thing they make that you like. One man's Top Gear is another man's Songs of Praise, so to speak.
I am very unimpressed with the BBC News and Politics output recently, but love 6Music and some of the BBC comedy shows.
Exactly as long as they don't shorten programmes to add some breaks. They would have to make it like Gold channel where 30 minute BBC shows are scheduled over 35 minutes. It wouldn't bother me as I never watch adverts. Put everything on Sky Plus so you can whizz through adverts. When watching live action such as premier league football flick on something like SSN for a 3-4 minutes.
Wish the government would scrap the fee altogether. If it wasn't for the wife and kids I would have one. But they watch TV. But they hardly watch BBC at all. I don't like being forced into paying it to access non BBC services.
It wants scrapping asap. Nothing more regressive than charging poor people to watch a bit of tele. Never watch the Beeb, either.
we undoubtedly consume media differently to when the BBC license fee was introduced. However id be very careful for what you wish for here, as a mass communication tool of TV, Radio, Digital, on demand, catch up and interactive services its pretty damn special.
I personally prefer the BBC because there are no adverts. What I object very strongly to however is the number of repeats they show to pad out their schedules. Far too many presenters being paid large salaries is also an issue.
They and their hectoring acolytes, Crapita, will never see a single fvcking penny from me. Scrap the television tax.
Yes, and the govt should honour their pledge to provide free licences for them. BBC should not be responsible for social care.
correct me if I’m wrong here but the BBC itself is about the only organisation / person in favour of the licence fee full stop.If not its certainly in a small minority. It’s surely time as an organisation it was was cut loose and made to forge its own way. It certainly is a very minor part of my viewing these days and I totally resent being forced to pay for it.
I am happy to pay for the BBC. Free BBC needs to be means tested. A significant number of over75s can easily afford £14 per month. Scrapping the BBC would drive down the quality of television as the US networks would take over even more control.