On the one hand: Kids would have to go somewhere. Many would stay with vulnerable grandparents, and it risks healthcare workers etc having to take time off if nobody else is available to look after the kids Massive economic impact Huge interruption to kids' studies However: Schools are an absolute hotbed for disease Kids may have a low death rate, but they spread it like hell to others who might not Many teachers/other school staff may fall into vulnerable categories My mum's a teacher and the staff at her school are freaking out. They feel like they're being used as collateral childcare with no thought to the risk they're being put in. They're desperate for school to close.
If schools close we lose our business of 43years. Simple as that. 90% of our business is from schools or colleges, the other 10% is from elderley groups so basically were screwed. Today alone we lost £12,500 in cancellations. The knock on effect of this will last for years .
This is the problem. Doubt you'd be getting one of these nice bailouts billionaire-owned businesses seem to get..
We can possibly claim 3k back from the govt to help out if we fall into the correct category and apply within the specified time, even if we were successful in our application, 3 grand amounts to 1 days running costs for us . It's a drop in the ocean
I think that the government is (desperately) trying to keep schools open until the Easter break. I do invigilation for a local secondary school, for today's mock exam there was an absence rate of 25%. Normally it is just one or two absences if that.
Didcot, was that a Physics exam by any chance? My daughter went into School today and the exam was cancelled.
I think schools need to keep open as long as possible, however if parents want to pull them out earlier then fair enough. The country will be crippled with huge amounts of the workforce out of action. Supermarkets need staffing, hospitals etc need staffing. Children are at low risk of coming to harm from this, and healthy working age adult parents should also be able to manage ok. If grandparents can be kept out of the firing line in terms of childcare and regular contact, the better. We need to keep schools open as long as possible. We cant afford schools to be closed til June.
Thank you but in reality we are finished. My dad started the business in1977 and still works for us now, he's well into his seventies but sharp as a tack. He's looking for answers or alternatives, but the truth is all of our customers have disappeared within the space of a week.
I think they should. I work in IT in a schools trust in Wakey and ours are open, letters have gone about regarding potential closures I've heard. We have been told to prepare to work from home and take any resources home needed. Personally think it's going to happen unless it's just our schools. One of our high schools has like 800 students in a close packed school, it could spread like wildfire, were already implementing Google Classroom for home working I believe.
As my mother is extremely vulnerable from this and we darent let her babysit, my wife would have to take time off to look after the kids. Voila, 1 nurse down
Wonder if there’s a way to create some kind of crèche/child sitting for parents in jobs like NHS etc by utilising Teachers if schools shut down.
Our daughter is a primary school teacher and she’s getting really worried. Some parents are already keeping their kids off school. I think they should close now until after the Easter holiday.