And this is why the over 70s will mostly comply. I'm 74, I've got coronary heart disease and cancer. I've also got a wife, daughter and two wonderful grandsons, and I want to live a bit longer to enjoy their company. I always was, and remain, allergic to Tories. This particular mob are the nastiest I've ever seen, and would like nothing better than to see "unproductive" people like me off the planet. I'm intending to stay alive to see them fall.
Why just one generation? This area was built and grew largely on the mining, selling and burning of coal. The last generation didn’t start it and the much hated Thatcher put a stop to it.
With respect, you are making a fundamental error here. Whilst healthy lungs and heart of an active 60-70 year old vs, say a, 30 year old heavy smoker are relevant, they are less so than the fact that, when it comes to vulnerability to infections and viruses, the auto immune system deteriorates the older we get, hence as age increases so the likelihood of serious complications or even death increases. That said there are many things regarding diet that help, just one example vitamin C boosts the AI system. I recently did some research (being an old git with time on my hands) and discovered, unbeknown to me and my wife, that all of the 'top foods' that benefit the auto immune system are ones we eat regularly... e.g shellfish, broccoli, red peppers/paprika/yoghurt/ ginger/spinach/turmeric. Most of these like ginger/Turmeric have other health benefits too.
Take care... Look after yourself and eat the right stuff (After two bouts of DVT and family history of both parents - motrher died young from same thing and Dad died from Heart disease) I find what you put into your body is iincreasingly important as exercise is difficult when are unable to be physically active. I am sure you know all this anyway. At 20 you feel invulnerable and only later in life do you realise how precious life, family and friends are. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Panic buying bog roll is stupid. Stocking up on food isn't. People could need to self isolate for 14 days at any point. Having to then immediately nip down tesco to stock up on a load of food will massively spread the virus. Whether you like it or not we're at the point where stocking up on frozen/dry/tinned food actually makes sense.
No it's not. Taking a walk is great excercise on the proviso that you do not have any social interaction whilst you are out.
A few bits: 1) I like that you call me a bellend, then in your next post accuse me of being ‘disrespectful’. Good work. 2) Since you ask, I’ve got a Masters degree in Chemistry from the world’s best University. Can I have an opinion now? 3) That generation in general deserve nothing but contempt for their selfishness. Of course it doesn’t apply to everyone - I’m clearly making generalisations, not personally insulting your mother, but as someone has mentioned, a generation is remembered in history for the legacy it leaves. As an aside - sadly, ours is well on the way to being judged by history equally harshly.
Stay safe GFT , hopefully this passes by a lot quicker than predicted and you can carry on loving your family in the way you did before these restrictions .
My mum is currently in Barnsley General Hospital and they're trying their damnedest to send her home with a "Care Package". She's 88, can hardly walk, lives alone, because of an ongoing illness no care home is going to touch her with a bargepole. I genuinely am starting to fear for hew wellbeing!
You don't have to stay indoors. You can go out for a walk, or a bike ride or a drive in your car - as long as you stay away from other people.
Yes, but take extra precautions. Drive slower, don't overdo the exercise. Reduce your risk profile. Accidents will be harder to treat if the NHS is overcapacity and outcomes will be worse.