And South Korea - Testing and isolating along with tracing contacts and isolating those 2 - which is why the WHO is banging on about it
Strict quarantine lockdown in the affected areas. And the citizens being more collectivistic than we are mostly complied. Immunity is still around 1% in Wuhan.
Sorry I haven't got the link but Aussie scientists have also found a cancer drug and an HIV drug that have had excellent lab results...human trials starting asap.
The two drugs the Australians have had good results with are two of the same drugs mentioned in the Emma Freud tweet. The professor at the University of Queensland was very hopeful as they move to a larger trial involving 50 Aussie hospitals. They have tested the drugs individually (as have the Chinese) but the best results are when the drugs are administered together.
Hopefully a vaccine is created and tested to be able to give to humans before the virus goes away seemingly naturally. SARS 20 years ago had all this talk of vaccines , 20 years later still no vaccine , not a lot of money in non-recurring viruses.
am in Singapore and contact tracing and hygiene are the big things here and we have done ok so far. cases had almost dropped to zero , but they are spiking again as the global lockdowns has brought many folk back , and many foreigner trying to get in to have there testing and treatment here.